Decades ago, an arcane practitioner created the Waxborn, living waxen figures powered by magic. Waxborn are divided into two ethnic groups. The short and toddling waxborn known as stubs are strong and simple. They rely on their strength to hunt and provide and often specialize in martial arts or the use of bludgeoning weapons or guns. Tapers are tall and graceful. Often diplomatic and socially aware, tapers are well attuned to the magic within them. Waxborn are able to carve faces or patterns onto themselves and will often create faces or intricate tattoos on their waxen flesh.
Appearance: Stubs appear as short, rotund globules of wax, formed into vaguely humanoid forms. Stubs often appear featureless, though some carve crude faces into their head blobs. Tapers appear as tall, graceful humanoids, and spend days crafting delicate features for themselves.
Location: Waxborn live in temperate climates, preferring to stay away from the extreme heat of locations such as Tai Ke and the Amiraz Floe
Names: Raorokov, Isilia, Vaiyebochov, Astakhova, Skolograd, Guryev, Leskovin, Dementyev, Ruskatrova, Lobovin
Ability Scores: Waxborn are intelligent and magically adept, but prone to melting or breaking. Small waxborn (stubs) gain +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and -2 Intelligence. Medium waxborn (tapers) gain +2 Wisdom, Charisma or Intelligence. This choice is made at 1st level and cannot be changed.
Size: Waxborn can be either Medium or Small creatures. This choice is made at 1st level. Medium sized waxborn are known as tapers and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Small sized waxborn are known as stubs and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Type: Waxborn are humanoids with the waxborn subtype.
Base Speed: Tapers have a base speed of 30 feet while stubs have a base speed of 20 feet. A stub's base movement speed is not modified by armor or encumbrance.
Languages: Waxborn begin play speaking Common. Waxborn with high Intelligence scores can choose from any language they want, except for secret languages.
Low-Light Vision: Waxborn can see twice as far as normal humans in areas of dim light.
Wick: Once per day when the waxborn would be dealt fire damage, he may choose to negate that damage by catching the fire with the wick on his head. This sets the waxborn’s wick alight for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the damage prevented (minimum 1). While his wick burns, the waxborn sheds light like a candle.
Waxen Weakness: A waxborn is vulnerable to fire, causing it to take half again as much damage (+50%) when it takes fire damage.
Solid Wax: A waxborn is made of solid wax, and does not have organs, blood, or bodily fluids. A waxborn is not is not affected by spells which require organs, blood, or bodily fluids. Additionally, when a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the waxborn, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
Constructed: A waxborn is considered to a construct for the purposes of spells which target or affect constructs.
Malleable: A waxborn is can smooth over pockmarks and rough spots on his body, healing himself a small amount. He can heal himself for 1 hit point as a full-round action. He cannot heal more hit points than his character level in this way each day.
Magical Blood: Waxborn are powered by arcane magic and gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively.
Appearance: Stubs appear as short, rotund globules of wax, formed into vaguely humanoid forms. Stubs often appear featureless, though some carve crude faces into their head blobs. Tapers appear as tall, graceful humanoids, and spend days crafting delicate features for themselves.
Location: Waxborn live in temperate climates, preferring to stay away from the extreme heat of locations such as Tai Ke and the Amiraz Floe
Names: Raorokov, Isilia, Vaiyebochov, Astakhova, Skolograd, Guryev, Leskovin, Dementyev, Ruskatrova, Lobovin
Ability Scores: Waxborn are intelligent and magically adept, but prone to melting or breaking. Small waxborn (stubs) gain +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and -2 Intelligence. Medium waxborn (tapers) gain +2 Wisdom, Charisma or Intelligence. This choice is made at 1st level and cannot be changed.
Size: Waxborn can be either Medium or Small creatures. This choice is made at 1st level. Medium sized waxborn are known as tapers and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Small sized waxborn are known as stubs and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks.
Type: Waxborn are humanoids with the waxborn subtype.
Base Speed: Tapers have a base speed of 30 feet while stubs have a base speed of 20 feet. A stub's base movement speed is not modified by armor or encumbrance.
Languages: Waxborn begin play speaking Common. Waxborn with high Intelligence scores can choose from any language they want, except for secret languages.
Low-Light Vision: Waxborn can see twice as far as normal humans in areas of dim light.
Wick: Once per day when the waxborn would be dealt fire damage, he may choose to negate that damage by catching the fire with the wick on his head. This sets the waxborn’s wick alight for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the damage prevented (minimum 1). While his wick burns, the waxborn sheds light like a candle.
Waxen Weakness: A waxborn is vulnerable to fire, causing it to take half again as much damage (+50%) when it takes fire damage.
Solid Wax: A waxborn is made of solid wax, and does not have organs, blood, or bodily fluids. A waxborn is not is not affected by spells which require organs, blood, or bodily fluids. Additionally, when a critical hit or sneak attack is scored on the waxborn, there is a 25% chance that the critical hit or sneak attack is negated and damage is instead rolled normally.
Constructed: A waxborn is considered to a construct for the purposes of spells which target or affect constructs.
Malleable: A waxborn is can smooth over pockmarks and rough spots on his body, healing himself a small amount. He can heal himself for 1 hit point as a full-round action. He cannot heal more hit points than his character level in this way each day.
Magical Blood: Waxborn are powered by arcane magic and gain a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast arcane spells defensively.
Racial Boons
Waxborn may select from the following character options:
Waxen Healing - Feat
Prerequisites: Caster level 12th, Able to cast cure critical wounds, Malleable racial trait
Your mastery of curative magic has expanded your ability to smooth the injuries from your body. The number of hit points you may restore each day with your malleable racial trait is equal to your maximum hit points.
Faceless Scourge - Feat
Prerequisites: Waxborn, Intimidate 1 rank
You have sworn an oath to never carve yourself a face and you use your unsettling appearance to your advantage. You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate skill checks and the DC of Sense Motive skill checks to get a hunch about you and the DC of Knowledge (local) checks to have heard about you are increased by +2. When you reach 10 ranks in Intimidate, these bonuses are doubled. If you ever carve a face for yourself, you lose the benefits of this feat for 24 hours.
Faceless Scourge, Improved - Feat
Prerequisites: Waxborn, Faceless Scourge, Intimidate 3 ranks
You gain the benefits of nondetection as a constant spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to your character level. If you ever carve a face for yourself, you lose the benefits of this feat for 24 hours.
Smooth - Feature Archetype (Specialization)
Prerquisites: Waxborn
The wax on your body is rigid and does not lend itself to carving, even breaking off in the cold weather. This smoothness is unnerving even to other waxborn. You gain Skill Focus (Intimidate) as a bonus feat and are vulnerable to cold, causing you to take half again as much damage (+50%) when you take cold damage.
Wickstrike - Feat (Combat)
Prerequisites: BAB +1, Wick racial trait
While your wick is lit, weapon attacks you make deal +1d6 fire damage. This bonus stacks with the fiery and flaming burst weapon qualities. Additionally, you may light your wick a number of times per day equal to your 1/2 your character level (minimum 1), though you may not light your wick while it is already lit.
Waxborn may select from the following character options:
Waxen Healing - Feat
Prerequisites: Caster level 12th, Able to cast cure critical wounds, Malleable racial trait
Your mastery of curative magic has expanded your ability to smooth the injuries from your body. The number of hit points you may restore each day with your malleable racial trait is equal to your maximum hit points.
Faceless Scourge - Feat
Prerequisites: Waxborn, Intimidate 1 rank
You have sworn an oath to never carve yourself a face and you use your unsettling appearance to your advantage. You gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate skill checks and the DC of Sense Motive skill checks to get a hunch about you and the DC of Knowledge (local) checks to have heard about you are increased by +2. When you reach 10 ranks in Intimidate, these bonuses are doubled. If you ever carve a face for yourself, you lose the benefits of this feat for 24 hours.
Faceless Scourge, Improved - Feat
Prerequisites: Waxborn, Faceless Scourge, Intimidate 3 ranks
You gain the benefits of nondetection as a constant spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to your character level. If you ever carve a face for yourself, you lose the benefits of this feat for 24 hours.
Smooth - Feature Archetype (Specialization)
Prerquisites: Waxborn
The wax on your body is rigid and does not lend itself to carving, even breaking off in the cold weather. This smoothness is unnerving even to other waxborn. You gain Skill Focus (Intimidate) as a bonus feat and are vulnerable to cold, causing you to take half again as much damage (+50%) when you take cold damage.
Wickstrike - Feat (Combat)
Prerequisites: BAB +1, Wick racial trait
While your wick is lit, weapon attacks you make deal +1d6 fire damage. This bonus stacks with the fiery and flaming burst weapon qualities. Additionally, you may light your wick a number of times per day equal to your 1/2 your character level (minimum 1), though you may not light your wick while it is already lit.