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A feature archetype functions just like a normal archetype except that it either modifies or replaces a specific class feature and can be taken by any character who has that class feature and meets the feature archetype’s prerequisites. Some feature archetypes modify a character's basic abilities, such as the number of attacks that may be taken in a round, and can be taken any character.
A feature archetype must be selected as soon as the character qualifies for it. For example, a bard must take the Empathic Performance feature archetype at 1st level, while a shaman must select the Wastrel’s Bane feature archetype when she takes the evil eye hex (no sooner than 2nd level). If a feature archetype does not modify any class features, the archetype may only be chosen at first level.
A feature archetype cannot be selected if the feature to be replaced or modified is already replaced or modified by an archetype or another feature archetype. However, if an archetype adds a feature to a class, that feature can be further modified by a feature archetype. For example, a cleric with the evangelist archetype gains an the sermonic performance ability, which acts as bardic performance, and can further be augmented by the Empathic Performance feature archetype.
A feature archetype must be selected as soon as the character qualifies for it. For example, a bard must take the Empathic Performance feature archetype at 1st level, while a shaman must select the Wastrel’s Bane feature archetype when she takes the evil eye hex (no sooner than 2nd level). If a feature archetype does not modify any class features, the archetype may only be chosen at first level.
A feature archetype cannot be selected if the feature to be replaced or modified is already replaced or modified by an archetype or another feature archetype. However, if an archetype adds a feature to a class, that feature can be further modified by a feature archetype. For example, a cleric with the evangelist archetype gains an the sermonic performance ability, which acts as bardic performance, and can further be augmented by the Empathic Performance feature archetype.
Bloodhound Companion
Modifies: Animal Companion
You have bonded with a specially trained bloodhound as an animal companion. A bloodhound uses the dog statistics, except it does not gain the feats listed in Table: Animal Companion Base Statistics. A bloodhound gains the following abilities at the listed druid levels.
At 1st level, a bloodhound gains the detect, seek and track tricks as bonus tricks, and may locate the direction of a scent as a free action, instead of a move action. At 2nd level, a bloodhound gains an insight bonus on Perception checks and on Survival checks made to follow tracks equal to 1/2 your druid level. At 5th level, creatures are always considered to be upwind of a bloodhound for the purposes of its scent ability.
At 8th level, a bloodhound gains can pinpoint the square of a creature with its scent ability as long as that creature is within the range of its scent, instead of within 5 feet.
At 10th level, a bloodhound gains an additional skill rank for each hit die it possesses. At 13th level, the DC for the bloodhound to track a creature with its scent ability after the trail has begun to go cold is +2 per day, instead of +2 per hour.
At 16th level, a bloodhound can take 20 on Survival checks to track with scent without increase the time required. At 18th level water, false odors, powerful odors, and magical and mundane effects do not impede the bloodhound's scent ability.
Bodily Sanctuary
Prerequisites: Familiar, your body must be destroyed beyond repair
Your body was destroyed early in your training and your familiar has offered your soul sanctuary within the confines of its flesh. Your soul inhabits your familiar’s body, as per possession, though the duration is permanent and you cannot attempt to return to your original body. Your familiar still retains its own soul and consciousness, though you may not take actions simultaneously. You and your familiar share a single set of actions.
Your familiar has ultimate control over its body. If you attempt to take any action other than a purely mental action (such as casting a psychic spell or activating a supernatural ability) contrary to your familiar’s wishes, your familiar can prevent you from doing so. Your familiar can spend a full-round action to expel your soul from its body, killing you.
The dual minds within the body of your familiar takes a great toll on its flesh. Your familiar takes a -2 penalty to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores (minimum 1). You may not gain a new familiar. If you would gain a new familiar or if your familiar would die, your soul is ejected from your first familiar’s body, killing you.
Special: You may select this feature archetype if you meet its prerequisites and die while within 5 feet of your familiar. Your remain unconscious for 24 hours, after which you awaken within your familiar’s body.
Cantrip Warrior
Prerequisites: Able to cast acid splash, jolt or ray of frost
Replaces: 1st level power from a wizard school, sorcerer bloodline, psychic discipline, or similar class feature
You may enhance an acid splash, jolt, or ray of frost spell you cast deal to deal an additional amount of damage equal to your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher). You must announce the use of this ability before the spell is cast. A failed spell or attack causes the use to be wasted. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher).
Empathic Performance
Modifies: Bardic Performance
You forgo the use of mundane tools such as speech, motion, or instruments in your performances, opting to instead project your bardcraft into your allies’ or enemies’ minds. Your bardic performances require emotion components instead of auditory components and thought components instead of visual components. You are not required to make noise or to move when performing. Your performance manifests empathically, evoking the feelings a standard performance would have caused. This does not allow you to communicate telepathically through your performance.
Special: If you cast spells, your spells require emotion components instead of verbal components and thought components instead of somatic components. Your spells are treated as both psychic spells and spells of their original type.
Fang Provocateur
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, At least 1 natural attack
You treat your natural weapons as unarmed strikes for the purposes of feats and class features. You cannot make unarmed strikes that are not natural attacks, and cannot wield manufactured weapons.
Special: If your natural attacks are treated as manufactured weapons, this feature archetype does not prevent you from making natural attacks.
Flame Mystic
When you would deal positive energy damage or negative energy damage, or heal with positive or negative energy, you deal an equal amount of fire damage instead. This damage heals creatures who are immune to fire or have the fire subtype, instead of harming them. Spells you cast which which have their healing or damage changed this way gain the fire descriptor.
Focused Channeling
Modifies: Channel Energy
You gain Channel Ray as a bonus feat. You may only channel energy using your Channel Ray feat.
Hands on Familiar
Prerequisites: Animal Companion, Familiar, Mentor, or similar allied creature
Modifies: Prepared Spellcasting
Instead of preparing your spells, you cast your spells spontaneously. You know the same number of spells known as a sorcerer of your caster level (if you cast spells of 0th - 9th level) or a bard of your caster level (if you cast spells of 0th -6th level). You have a minimum 1 spell known of each spell level you can cast. You retain the spells per day of your original class, though you do not gain additional spell slots from domain, spirit magic, or similar abilities. These spells, and additional spells known gained from abilities such as patron, are gained as additional spells known at the appropriate levels. You cannot cast spells if your allied creature is unconscious or further than 5 feet away.
High Magic Scholar
Modifies: Prepared Spellcasting
Your pursuit of the most complex form of magic makes narrows your power but makes you an expert in your chosen school. Choose a school of magic. No spells from any other school (including universal spells) are considered to be on your spell list. You can’t use spell trigger or spell completion magic items from other schools without succeeding at the appropriate Use Magic Device check. You treat all spells on your spell list from your chosen school as spells known and do not need to consult a spellbook or commune with a familiar to prepare your spells.
Identifying Mark
Modifies: Banner and Greater Banner
Your banner's purpose is to inspire fear in enemies you know your mark. You gain a +1 morale bonus on Intimidate checks and a +1 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls against creature who can see your banner.
When you would gain Greater Banner, these bonuses increase to +2 and when you succeed on an Intimidate check to demoralize a creature who cast a spell or effect that is affecting you, you may make an additional saving throw against any one of those spells or effects that is targeting them. This save is made at the original DC. Spells and effects that do not allow saving throws are unaffected by this ability.
You mark makes you well known, the DC of Knowledge checks to know about you is reduced by 4.
Martial Kinetics
Modifies: Kinetic Blast
Your kinetic blasts which require ranged attacks require melee attacks instead; your kinetic blasts which require ranged touch attacks require melee touch attacks instead. Your kinetic blasts are supernatural abilities instead of spell-like abilities.
You cannot select infusions which require ranged attacks or modify the range of your kinetic blasts (such as chain or extended range). You must still select the kinetic blade talent in order to use your kinetic blast as part of an attack action, a charge action or a full-attack action.
Ofuda Caster
Modifies: Spirit Magic
You invoke the name of specific spirits with Ofuda, creating more powerful spirit magic effects. You gain an additional spirit magic spell slot of each spell level you can cast (except orisons). However, you must prepare your spirit magic spells. Doing so requires you to create an ofuda, a magical paper talisman, for each spirit magic spell you prepare. This ofuda must be presented as an additional material component when you cast the corresponding spell.
Public Hero
Modifies: Dual Identity
Replaces: Seamless Guise
Your heroics are quite public. You do not have separate social and vigilante identities and are always considered to be in both your social and vigilante identities.
Scholarly Companion
Modifies: Animal Companion
Replaces: Familiar
Your animal companion gains the natural armor adjustment, Intelligence score, and special abilities of a familiar with a master of the class level that granted you a familiar. Your animal companion counts as both your animal companion and your familiar, and is considered to be a sentient companion (as a familiar) instead of a non-sentient companion (as an animal companion).
Modifies: Flanking
When you and another creature threaten only each other and are not threatened by another creature, you and that creature are considered to be flanking each other. You are not otherwise ever considered to be flanking, even if a feat or effect would cause you to flank (such as Press to the Wall or a phantasm wizard’s bedevilling aura).
Soul-Forged Blade
Replaces: Arcane Pool, Sacred Weapon, Divine Bond (weapon), or another class feature which grants provides an enhancement bonus to a weapon for a set duration
You begin play with a soul-forged blade, a weapon crafted from pieces of your own soul; you gain this weapon at no cost. A soul forged-blade takes the form of a masterwork weapon you are proficient with and gains enhancement bonuses and weapon special abilities as per the replaced ability. These bonuses and weapon special abilities are permanent, but can be changed to a different appropriate combination with one hour of meditation after gaining 8 hours of rest.
Your soul-forged blade does not have its own hit points. If your soul-forged blade would lose hiy points, you lose that many hit points instead. This hit point loss cannot be mitigated or redirected in any way (though hit point damage to the weapon can be mitigated, such as by the weapon’s hardness). If your soul-forged blade is destroyed, you are slain. If you are slain this way, you cannot be resurrected unless a miracle or wish is first used to restore your soul-forged blade first
Specialized Summoner
Prerequisites: Ability to cast summon monster or summon nature’s ally spells
Choose two creatures for each summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell you can cast. You may only summon those creatures with the corresponding spell. You may cast summon monster or summon nature’s ally spells as a standard action, instead of a requiring 1 round.
Swift Concoction
Modifies: Alchemy
You learn to mix extracts with incredible ease, preparing and imbibing your extracts spontaneously. You may imbibe extracts without preparing them ahead of time, combining the ingredients as you draw them (as part of the action required to cast the spell). You gain a number of extracts known equal to the number of spells known of a bard of your level and can mix a number of extracts known equal to the number of spells per day of a bard of your level. This does not grant you access to 0-level spells. You do not require, and cannot use, an extract book.
Wastrel’s Bane
Modifies: Hypnotic Stare class feature or Evil Eye hex
The penalty imposed by your Hypnotic Stare or Evil Eye is increased by -1. If a creature affected by your Hypnotic Stare or Evil Eye takes a full-round action, the effect ends.
Wave Caster
Prerequisites: Swim speed
Replaces: Elemental Focus (cold)
You cast spells with the Water descriptor at +1 caster level and an additional +1 for every 100 feet of swim speed. When selecting feats which affect spells with your choice of the air, earth, fire, or water descriptors, you may choose to have the feat affect spells with the water descriptor instead.
Modifies: Animal Companion
You have bonded with a specially trained bloodhound as an animal companion. A bloodhound uses the dog statistics, except it does not gain the feats listed in Table: Animal Companion Base Statistics. A bloodhound gains the following abilities at the listed druid levels.
At 1st level, a bloodhound gains the detect, seek and track tricks as bonus tricks, and may locate the direction of a scent as a free action, instead of a move action. At 2nd level, a bloodhound gains an insight bonus on Perception checks and on Survival checks made to follow tracks equal to 1/2 your druid level. At 5th level, creatures are always considered to be upwind of a bloodhound for the purposes of its scent ability.
At 8th level, a bloodhound gains can pinpoint the square of a creature with its scent ability as long as that creature is within the range of its scent, instead of within 5 feet.
At 10th level, a bloodhound gains an additional skill rank for each hit die it possesses. At 13th level, the DC for the bloodhound to track a creature with its scent ability after the trail has begun to go cold is +2 per day, instead of +2 per hour.
At 16th level, a bloodhound can take 20 on Survival checks to track with scent without increase the time required. At 18th level water, false odors, powerful odors, and magical and mundane effects do not impede the bloodhound's scent ability.
Bodily Sanctuary
Prerequisites: Familiar, your body must be destroyed beyond repair
Your body was destroyed early in your training and your familiar has offered your soul sanctuary within the confines of its flesh. Your soul inhabits your familiar’s body, as per possession, though the duration is permanent and you cannot attempt to return to your original body. Your familiar still retains its own soul and consciousness, though you may not take actions simultaneously. You and your familiar share a single set of actions.
Your familiar has ultimate control over its body. If you attempt to take any action other than a purely mental action (such as casting a psychic spell or activating a supernatural ability) contrary to your familiar’s wishes, your familiar can prevent you from doing so. Your familiar can spend a full-round action to expel your soul from its body, killing you.
The dual minds within the body of your familiar takes a great toll on its flesh. Your familiar takes a -2 penalty to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores (minimum 1). You may not gain a new familiar. If you would gain a new familiar or if your familiar would die, your soul is ejected from your first familiar’s body, killing you.
Special: You may select this feature archetype if you meet its prerequisites and die while within 5 feet of your familiar. Your remain unconscious for 24 hours, after which you awaken within your familiar’s body.
Cantrip Warrior
Prerequisites: Able to cast acid splash, jolt or ray of frost
Replaces: 1st level power from a wizard school, sorcerer bloodline, psychic discipline, or similar class feature
You may enhance an acid splash, jolt, or ray of frost spell you cast deal to deal an additional amount of damage equal to your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher). You must announce the use of this ability before the spell is cast. A failed spell or attack causes the use to be wasted. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher).
Empathic Performance
Modifies: Bardic Performance
You forgo the use of mundane tools such as speech, motion, or instruments in your performances, opting to instead project your bardcraft into your allies’ or enemies’ minds. Your bardic performances require emotion components instead of auditory components and thought components instead of visual components. You are not required to make noise or to move when performing. Your performance manifests empathically, evoking the feelings a standard performance would have caused. This does not allow you to communicate telepathically through your performance.
Special: If you cast spells, your spells require emotion components instead of verbal components and thought components instead of somatic components. Your spells are treated as both psychic spells and spells of their original type.
Fang Provocateur
Prerequisites: Improved Unarmed Strike, At least 1 natural attack
You treat your natural weapons as unarmed strikes for the purposes of feats and class features. You cannot make unarmed strikes that are not natural attacks, and cannot wield manufactured weapons.
Special: If your natural attacks are treated as manufactured weapons, this feature archetype does not prevent you from making natural attacks.
Flame Mystic
When you would deal positive energy damage or negative energy damage, or heal with positive or negative energy, you deal an equal amount of fire damage instead. This damage heals creatures who are immune to fire or have the fire subtype, instead of harming them. Spells you cast which which have their healing or damage changed this way gain the fire descriptor.
Focused Channeling
Modifies: Channel Energy
You gain Channel Ray as a bonus feat. You may only channel energy using your Channel Ray feat.
Hands on Familiar
Prerequisites: Animal Companion, Familiar, Mentor, or similar allied creature
Modifies: Prepared Spellcasting
Instead of preparing your spells, you cast your spells spontaneously. You know the same number of spells known as a sorcerer of your caster level (if you cast spells of 0th - 9th level) or a bard of your caster level (if you cast spells of 0th -6th level). You have a minimum 1 spell known of each spell level you can cast. You retain the spells per day of your original class, though you do not gain additional spell slots from domain, spirit magic, or similar abilities. These spells, and additional spells known gained from abilities such as patron, are gained as additional spells known at the appropriate levels. You cannot cast spells if your allied creature is unconscious or further than 5 feet away.
High Magic Scholar
Modifies: Prepared Spellcasting
Your pursuit of the most complex form of magic makes narrows your power but makes you an expert in your chosen school. Choose a school of magic. No spells from any other school (including universal spells) are considered to be on your spell list. You can’t use spell trigger or spell completion magic items from other schools without succeeding at the appropriate Use Magic Device check. You treat all spells on your spell list from your chosen school as spells known and do not need to consult a spellbook or commune with a familiar to prepare your spells.
Identifying Mark
Modifies: Banner and Greater Banner
Your banner's purpose is to inspire fear in enemies you know your mark. You gain a +1 morale bonus on Intimidate checks and a +1 circumstance bonus on attack and damage rolls against creature who can see your banner.
When you would gain Greater Banner, these bonuses increase to +2 and when you succeed on an Intimidate check to demoralize a creature who cast a spell or effect that is affecting you, you may make an additional saving throw against any one of those spells or effects that is targeting them. This save is made at the original DC. Spells and effects that do not allow saving throws are unaffected by this ability.
You mark makes you well known, the DC of Knowledge checks to know about you is reduced by 4.
Martial Kinetics
Modifies: Kinetic Blast
Your kinetic blasts which require ranged attacks require melee attacks instead; your kinetic blasts which require ranged touch attacks require melee touch attacks instead. Your kinetic blasts are supernatural abilities instead of spell-like abilities.
You cannot select infusions which require ranged attacks or modify the range of your kinetic blasts (such as chain or extended range). You must still select the kinetic blade talent in order to use your kinetic blast as part of an attack action, a charge action or a full-attack action.
Ofuda Caster
Modifies: Spirit Magic
You invoke the name of specific spirits with Ofuda, creating more powerful spirit magic effects. You gain an additional spirit magic spell slot of each spell level you can cast (except orisons). However, you must prepare your spirit magic spells. Doing so requires you to create an ofuda, a magical paper talisman, for each spirit magic spell you prepare. This ofuda must be presented as an additional material component when you cast the corresponding spell.
Public Hero
Modifies: Dual Identity
Replaces: Seamless Guise
Your heroics are quite public. You do not have separate social and vigilante identities and are always considered to be in both your social and vigilante identities.
Scholarly Companion
Modifies: Animal Companion
Replaces: Familiar
Your animal companion gains the natural armor adjustment, Intelligence score, and special abilities of a familiar with a master of the class level that granted you a familiar. Your animal companion counts as both your animal companion and your familiar, and is considered to be a sentient companion (as a familiar) instead of a non-sentient companion (as an animal companion).
Modifies: Flanking
When you and another creature threaten only each other and are not threatened by another creature, you and that creature are considered to be flanking each other. You are not otherwise ever considered to be flanking, even if a feat or effect would cause you to flank (such as Press to the Wall or a phantasm wizard’s bedevilling aura).
Soul-Forged Blade
Replaces: Arcane Pool, Sacred Weapon, Divine Bond (weapon), or another class feature which grants provides an enhancement bonus to a weapon for a set duration
You begin play with a soul-forged blade, a weapon crafted from pieces of your own soul; you gain this weapon at no cost. A soul forged-blade takes the form of a masterwork weapon you are proficient with and gains enhancement bonuses and weapon special abilities as per the replaced ability. These bonuses and weapon special abilities are permanent, but can be changed to a different appropriate combination with one hour of meditation after gaining 8 hours of rest.
Your soul-forged blade does not have its own hit points. If your soul-forged blade would lose hiy points, you lose that many hit points instead. This hit point loss cannot be mitigated or redirected in any way (though hit point damage to the weapon can be mitigated, such as by the weapon’s hardness). If your soul-forged blade is destroyed, you are slain. If you are slain this way, you cannot be resurrected unless a miracle or wish is first used to restore your soul-forged blade first
Specialized Summoner
Prerequisites: Ability to cast summon monster or summon nature’s ally spells
Choose two creatures for each summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell you can cast. You may only summon those creatures with the corresponding spell. You may cast summon monster or summon nature’s ally spells as a standard action, instead of a requiring 1 round.
Swift Concoction
Modifies: Alchemy
You learn to mix extracts with incredible ease, preparing and imbibing your extracts spontaneously. You may imbibe extracts without preparing them ahead of time, combining the ingredients as you draw them (as part of the action required to cast the spell). You gain a number of extracts known equal to the number of spells known of a bard of your level and can mix a number of extracts known equal to the number of spells per day of a bard of your level. This does not grant you access to 0-level spells. You do not require, and cannot use, an extract book.
Wastrel’s Bane
Modifies: Hypnotic Stare class feature or Evil Eye hex
The penalty imposed by your Hypnotic Stare or Evil Eye is increased by -1. If a creature affected by your Hypnotic Stare or Evil Eye takes a full-round action, the effect ends.
Wave Caster
Prerequisites: Swim speed
Replaces: Elemental Focus (cold)
You cast spells with the Water descriptor at +1 caster level and an additional +1 for every 100 feet of swim speed. When selecting feats which affect spells with your choice of the air, earth, fire, or water descriptors, you may choose to have the feat affect spells with the water descriptor instead.
Specializations are feature archetypes that provide a penalty in exchange for a bonus feat, often Skill Focus or Weapon Focus. A single character may not have more than one specialization feature archetype. Specialization feature archetypes must be chosen at 1st level.
Specializations are feature archetypes that provide a penalty in exchange for a bonus feat, often Skill Focus or Weapon Focus. A single character may not have more than one specialization feature archetype. Specialization feature archetypes must be chosen at 1st level.
Body Over Mind (Specialization)
You gain Great Fortitude as a bonus feat. You take penalty on Will saving throws equal to the bonus on Fortitude saving throws provided by Great Fortitude and each feat that lists Great Fortitude as a prerequisite.
Violent Streak (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Intimidate and Diplomacy as class skills
You automatically fail Diplomacy skill checks you make and take a -4 penalty on Sense Motive skill checks. You gain Skill Focus (Intimidate) as a bonus feat.
Eschew Variety (Specialization)
Replaces: Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons
Your martial training was focused on the use of a difficult weapon, at the cost of more versatile training. You are proficient with a single exotic weapon of your choice.
Fiendish Descent (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Tiefling
You are a descendant of a powerful fiend from the Palace of Sin and that heritage manifests strongly. As long as your fiendish attributes are apparent, those who interact with you always have a starting attitude of hostile. However, you gain Fiendish Heritage as a bonus feat and gain each of the 3 abilities rolled, instead of choosing one. While your fiendish attributes are not apparent (for example, if you are disguised or under the effects of a glamer), you do not gain the benefits of this feat.
Focused Training (Specialization)
Replaces: Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons
Your martial training was focused perfecting the use of a single weapon, at the cost of more versatile training. You have proficiency with a single simple weapon of your choice. You gain Weapon Focus with that weapon as a bonus feat. You need not meet the prerequisites of that feat.
Hag's Descendant (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Changeling
You are a descendant of a powerful hag from the Palace of Sin and that heritage manifests strongly. As long as your hag-like attributes are apparent, those who interact with you always have a starting attitude of hostile. However, you count as a hag for the purpose of creating or joining a hag’s coven. The coven need not contain another hag. If the coven does not contain another hag, your coven's spell-like abilities use your caster level (instead of 9), your Charisma score (instead of 16). Your hag-like attributes must be apparent for at least 24 hours before you can use a coven spell-like ability or induct a new hag into your coven.
Mediation Specialist (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Intimidate and Diplomacy as class skills
You automatically fail Intimidate skill checks you attempt and take a -2 penalty on attack rolls made during a surprise round. You gain Skill Focus (Diplomacy) as a bonus feat.
Mind Over Body (Specialization)
You gain Iron Will as a bonus feat. You take penalty on Fortitude saving throws equal to the bonus on Will saving throws provided by Iron Will and each feat that lists Iron Will as a prerequisite.
By An Inch (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Acrobatics as a class skill
All of your speeds are decreased by half. You gain Dodge as a bonus feat.
Vampiric Descent (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Dhampir
You are a descendant of a powerful vampire from the Palace of Sin and that heritage manifests strongly. As long as your vampiric attributes are apparent, those who interact with you always have a starting attitude of hostile. However, you gain one of following manifestations of the Vampirism corruption, chosen at random: the Allure, Child of Night, Fangs, Unlife, or Vampiric Grace. Your manifestation is 1 at 1st level and increases by +1 at 5th level and every 5 thereafter.
You gain Great Fortitude as a bonus feat. You take penalty on Will saving throws equal to the bonus on Fortitude saving throws provided by Great Fortitude and each feat that lists Great Fortitude as a prerequisite.
Violent Streak (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Intimidate and Diplomacy as class skills
You automatically fail Diplomacy skill checks you make and take a -4 penalty on Sense Motive skill checks. You gain Skill Focus (Intimidate) as a bonus feat.
Eschew Variety (Specialization)
Replaces: Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons
Your martial training was focused on the use of a difficult weapon, at the cost of more versatile training. You are proficient with a single exotic weapon of your choice.
Fiendish Descent (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Tiefling
You are a descendant of a powerful fiend from the Palace of Sin and that heritage manifests strongly. As long as your fiendish attributes are apparent, those who interact with you always have a starting attitude of hostile. However, you gain Fiendish Heritage as a bonus feat and gain each of the 3 abilities rolled, instead of choosing one. While your fiendish attributes are not apparent (for example, if you are disguised or under the effects of a glamer), you do not gain the benefits of this feat.
Focused Training (Specialization)
Replaces: Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons
Your martial training was focused perfecting the use of a single weapon, at the cost of more versatile training. You have proficiency with a single simple weapon of your choice. You gain Weapon Focus with that weapon as a bonus feat. You need not meet the prerequisites of that feat.
Hag's Descendant (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Changeling
You are a descendant of a powerful hag from the Palace of Sin and that heritage manifests strongly. As long as your hag-like attributes are apparent, those who interact with you always have a starting attitude of hostile. However, you count as a hag for the purpose of creating or joining a hag’s coven. The coven need not contain another hag. If the coven does not contain another hag, your coven's spell-like abilities use your caster level (instead of 9), your Charisma score (instead of 16). Your hag-like attributes must be apparent for at least 24 hours before you can use a coven spell-like ability or induct a new hag into your coven.
Mediation Specialist (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Intimidate and Diplomacy as class skills
You automatically fail Intimidate skill checks you attempt and take a -2 penalty on attack rolls made during a surprise round. You gain Skill Focus (Diplomacy) as a bonus feat.
Mind Over Body (Specialization)
You gain Iron Will as a bonus feat. You take penalty on Fortitude saving throws equal to the bonus on Will saving throws provided by Iron Will and each feat that lists Iron Will as a prerequisite.
By An Inch (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Dex 13, Acrobatics as a class skill
All of your speeds are decreased by half. You gain Dodge as a bonus feat.
Vampiric Descent (Specialization)
Prerequisites: Dhampir
You are a descendant of a powerful vampire from the Palace of Sin and that heritage manifests strongly. As long as your vampiric attributes are apparent, those who interact with you always have a starting attitude of hostile. However, you gain one of following manifestations of the Vampirism corruption, chosen at random: the Allure, Child of Night, Fangs, Unlife, or Vampiric Grace. Your manifestation is 1 at 1st level and increases by +1 at 5th level and every 5 thereafter.