Many rivers flow through Almira and the great continent is flanked to the north and south by vast oceans. Many coastal and river communities use fishing nets to feed themselves. This long tradition of net weaving factors heavily into the combat of these town and villages.
Weapon Proficiencies
An net adept is proficient with lassos and nets but not the rapier, sap, or shortsword.
This modifies the entangler’s proficiencies
Entangler’s Sneak (Ex)
An net adept treats entangled foes as though they were denied their Dexterity bonus to their AC for the purpose of making sneak attacks. At 3rd level, the net adept treats a net as though it has a base damage dice of 1d4, allowing her to deal damage on a successful attack (but not touch attack).
This replaces finesse training
Net Adept (Ex)
The net adept gains Net Adept as a bonus feat, and uses her rogue level in place of her base attack bonus from her rogue levels when meeting the prerequisites for Net Adept and feats which list Net Adept as a prerequisite. When using a net as a melee weapon, the net adept may make an opposed Dexterity check in place of an opposed Strength check to restrict a creature’s movement.
This replaces trapfinding
Haul Away (Ex)
Beginning at 5th level, the net adept gains a +2 competence bonus on combat maneuver checks made against foes who she has entangled and on opposed Dexterity checks made to restrict a creature’s movement with a net. This bonus is doubled against foes who are also suffering from a debilitating injury. This bonus increases by 21 at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
This replaces rogue’s edge
An net adept is proficient with lassos and nets but not the rapier, sap, or shortsword.
This modifies the entangler’s proficiencies
Entangler’s Sneak (Ex)
An net adept treats entangled foes as though they were denied their Dexterity bonus to their AC for the purpose of making sneak attacks. At 3rd level, the net adept treats a net as though it has a base damage dice of 1d4, allowing her to deal damage on a successful attack (but not touch attack).
This replaces finesse training
Net Adept (Ex)
The net adept gains Net Adept as a bonus feat, and uses her rogue level in place of her base attack bonus from her rogue levels when meeting the prerequisites for Net Adept and feats which list Net Adept as a prerequisite. When using a net as a melee weapon, the net adept may make an opposed Dexterity check in place of an opposed Strength check to restrict a creature’s movement.
This replaces trapfinding
Haul Away (Ex)
Beginning at 5th level, the net adept gains a +2 competence bonus on combat maneuver checks made against foes who she has entangled and on opposed Dexterity checks made to restrict a creature’s movement with a net. This bonus is doubled against foes who are also suffering from a debilitating injury. This bonus increases by 21 at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
This replaces rogue’s edge