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The Chimeric Rager is the product of a humanoid and a strange or monstrous creature. Whether touched by the fey as a baby or born from the union of humanoid and a fiend from the Abyss, this powerful cavalier draws on the power of his blood to barrel through hordes of enemies.
Chimeric Rage (Su)
A chimeric rager is part humanoid and part hideous monster, a strange chimera made from two opposing creatures. A chimeric rager can begin or end a chimeric rage as a free action which provokes an attack of opportunity.
When in a chimeric rage, the chimeric rager counts as being mounted and when he charges he is considered to be making an attack from the back of a charging mount. A chimeric rager may use his chimeric rage for a number of rounds per day equal to twice his cavalier level + his Constitution modifier. Chimeric rage counts of bloodrage for the purposes of feats and items.
This replaces mount
Rage Powers
When the chimeric rager is raging, he gains a bloodrage rage power, using his cavalier level in place of his barbarian level. He gains the next bloodrage powers in the chain at 5th and 10th levels. He does not need to meet the prerequisites of these powers. At 15th and 20th levels, the chimeric rager may use each bloodrage power gained from this ability that is usable once per day an additional time per day.
This replaces tactician
Combat Chimera
At 6th level, the chimeric rager gains Spirited Charge as a bonus feat. He need not meet the prerequisites of this feat.
This replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level
Chimeric Form (Su)
At 9th level, the chimeric rager may apply the effects of his bloodrage rage powers even while he is not raging. He may not use bloodrage powers that can be activated a number of times per rage unless he begins his chimeric rage
This replaces greater tactician
Unstoppable Fury (Ex)
At 17th level, the chimeric rager no longer provokes attacks of opportunity when entering or leaving his chimeric rage.
This replaces master tactician
A chimeric rager is part humanoid and part hideous monster, a strange chimera made from two opposing creatures. A chimeric rager can begin or end a chimeric rage as a free action which provokes an attack of opportunity.
When in a chimeric rage, the chimeric rager counts as being mounted and when he charges he is considered to be making an attack from the back of a charging mount. A chimeric rager may use his chimeric rage for a number of rounds per day equal to twice his cavalier level + his Constitution modifier. Chimeric rage counts of bloodrage for the purposes of feats and items.
This replaces mount
Rage Powers
When the chimeric rager is raging, he gains a bloodrage rage power, using his cavalier level in place of his barbarian level. He gains the next bloodrage powers in the chain at 5th and 10th levels. He does not need to meet the prerequisites of these powers. At 15th and 20th levels, the chimeric rager may use each bloodrage power gained from this ability that is usable once per day an additional time per day.
This replaces tactician
Combat Chimera
At 6th level, the chimeric rager gains Spirited Charge as a bonus feat. He need not meet the prerequisites of this feat.
This replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level
Chimeric Form (Su)
At 9th level, the chimeric rager may apply the effects of his bloodrage rage powers even while he is not raging. He may not use bloodrage powers that can be activated a number of times per rage unless he begins his chimeric rage
This replaces greater tactician
Unstoppable Fury (Ex)
At 17th level, the chimeric rager no longer provokes attacks of opportunity when entering or leaving his chimeric rage.
This replaces master tactician