Though many born on the streets turn to violence and lawlessness to ease their situation, some turn to the light of law and order for salvation. A blight bane seeks to end poverty, combat evil, and bring righteous justice to any who need it.
A blight bane must be good aligned. A blight bane who ceases to be good, loses all blight bane class features. She may not progress any further in levels as a blight bane. She regains his abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see atonement), as appropriate.
Holy Sponsor (Ex)
The blight bane is sponsored by a religious or charitable organization and is familiar with their inner workings. She gains Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion) as class skills and gains a sacred bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion) skill checks equal to 1/2 her rogue level (minimum +1).
This replaces trapfinding
Holy Companion
At 2nd level, the blight bane gains the paragon's mentor class feature, using her rogue level -1 in place of her paragon level. The blight bane may only select a companion from the list of creatures available from the summon monster spell.
This replaces rogue talents
Sponsor’s Lesson: Charity (Ex)
At 5th level, the blight bane adds her holy sponsor bonus on Diplomacy skill checks made to gather information. The time required for the blight bane to gather information is halved when in an area of poverty.
This replaces the blightbane’s 5th level rogue’s edge
Sponsor’s Lesson: Mercy (Su)
Beginning at 10th level, the blight bane treats weapons she wields as though they had the merciful special ability.
This replaces the blightbane’s 10th level rogue’s edge
Sponsor’s Lesson: Freedom (Sp)
Beginning at 15th level, blight bane gains freedom of movement as a constant spell-like ability. She may transfer the effects of this ability from herself to a touched target for 1 minute as a standard action.
This replaces the blightbane’s 15th level rogue’s edge
At 20th level, the rogue begins to sponsor a new blight bane. She gains Leadership as a bonus feat, but her cohort must be another blight bane. The rogue does not gain followers from this ability.
This replaces the blightbane’s 20th level rogue’s edge
A blight bane must be good aligned. A blight bane who ceases to be good, loses all blight bane class features. She may not progress any further in levels as a blight bane. She regains his abilities and advancement potential if she atones for her violations (see atonement), as appropriate.
Holy Sponsor (Ex)
The blight bane is sponsored by a religious or charitable organization and is familiar with their inner workings. She gains Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion) as class skills and gains a sacred bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (religion) skill checks equal to 1/2 her rogue level (minimum +1).
This replaces trapfinding
Holy Companion
At 2nd level, the blight bane gains the paragon's mentor class feature, using her rogue level -1 in place of her paragon level. The blight bane may only select a companion from the list of creatures available from the summon monster spell.
This replaces rogue talents
Sponsor’s Lesson: Charity (Ex)
At 5th level, the blight bane adds her holy sponsor bonus on Diplomacy skill checks made to gather information. The time required for the blight bane to gather information is halved when in an area of poverty.
This replaces the blightbane’s 5th level rogue’s edge
Sponsor’s Lesson: Mercy (Su)
Beginning at 10th level, the blight bane treats weapons she wields as though they had the merciful special ability.
This replaces the blightbane’s 10th level rogue’s edge
Sponsor’s Lesson: Freedom (Sp)
Beginning at 15th level, blight bane gains freedom of movement as a constant spell-like ability. She may transfer the effects of this ability from herself to a touched target for 1 minute as a standard action.
This replaces the blightbane’s 15th level rogue’s edge
At 20th level, the rogue begins to sponsor a new blight bane. She gains Leadership as a bonus feat, but her cohort must be another blight bane. The rogue does not gain followers from this ability.
This replaces the blightbane’s 20th level rogue’s edge