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While all samurai follow the code of Bushido, some take on an almost religious reverence when contemplating and practicing its teachings
Bushido Follower
A bushido adherent follows the customs of Bushido with a religious fervor. He must act mindfully of the 8 precepts of Bushido as a samuari would follow their edicts. These precepts are Righteousness (義 gi), Heroic Courage (勇 yū), Compassion (仁 jin), Respect (礼 rei), Honesty (誠 makoto), Honour (名誉 meiyo), Duty and Loyalty (忠義 chūgi), Self-Control (自制 jisei).
The bushido follower's deep commitment to the code of Bushio is all consuming. He does not gain an order.
Keeper of Divine Order
A bushido adherent's understanding of the rituals of bushido grants him some insight into the rituals of spellcasting. He adds Use Magic Device and Spellcraft to his list of class skills. In addition, he may activate spell trigger and spell completion magic items as though he had access to the inquisitor spell list.
Ritual Challenge
When issuing a challenge, the bushido adherent must enact a ritual to ensure his challenge follows the code of Bushido. The bushido adherent must spend a standard action to issue a challenge.
This modifies challenge
Hand of Faith (Sp)
At 2nd level, the bushido adherent begins to follow Bushido as a matter of faith, rather than a code of ethics. He chooses a first level spell from the Inquisitor spell list with a range greater than touch. When the bushido adherent declares a challenge, he casts his chosen spell as a spell-like ability on the target of his challenge, using his samurai level in place of his caster level. If the spell is not capable of affecting the target, the challenge fails. The DC of this ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 his samurai level + his Wisdom modifier.
At 8th level the samurai chooses a 3rd level spell and at 15th level, he chooses a 5th level spell. When he declares a challenge, he may choose any of his chosen spells to cast.
Spirit of the Eight Virtues
Beginning at 6th level, the bushido adherent begins to physically transform, embodying the 8 virtues of Bushido. He gains one of the following embodiments at 6th level and an additional embodiment at 12th and 18th level. A bushido adherent cannot select an individual embodiment more than once. This replaces the bushido adherent’s bonus combat feats
義 Gi - Righteousness (Ex): The bushido adherent embodies integrity and honest justice. He may gains a bonus on Diplomacy skill checks equal to 1/2 his samurai level.
勇 Yū - Heroic Courage (Ex): The bushido adherent embodies heroism and calculated risk. When he declares a challenge, his penalty to AC against creatures other than the target of his challenge doubles,and he gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 at 12th and 18th level.
仁 Jin - Benevolence (Sp): The bushido adherent becomes a beacon of compassion. He may cast cure light wounds as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom modifier, using his samurai level in place of his caster level.
礼 Rei - Respect (Sp): The bushido adherent respects those he does not agree with, and learns from them. He chooses a 2nd level spell from the paladin spell-list if (if he is evil) or anti-paladin spell list (if he is good). A neutral bushido adherent chooses a spell from the list which aligns least with his ethics.The bushido adherent adds this spell to the list of spell-like abilities he can use with his Hand of Faith class feature. He chooses a 3rd level spell at 8th level and a 4th level spell at 15th level.
誠 Makoto - Integrity (Sp): The bushido adherent’s word is his sacred bond. He gains bloodsworn retribution as a spell-like ability usable once per day. He may only maintain a single oath at a time, and cannot sacrifice more hit points than 5 + his samurai level.
名誉 Meiyo - Honor (Ex): The bushido adherent becomes a totem of honor and humility. When the bushido adherent misses with attack roll made as part of a charge, he may allow the target of his charge to make an attack against him at their highest base attack bonus. This does not require an action. If the target does, the samurai may reroll his attack roll to see if he actually hits. The target’s attack takes place before the bushido adherent’s attack. He may use this ability one per day at 6th level and an additional time per day at 12th and 18th levels; if the target declines to attack, the daily use of this ability is not spent.
忠義 Chūgi - Duty and Loyalty (Sp): The bushido adherent becomes tied to his charges. Once each day when he regains his uses of his Resolve class feature, he chooses a single creature as his charge. He may spend a use of resolve to cast sacrificial oath as a spell-like ability targeting that creature.
自制 Jisei - Self-Control: The bushido adherent gains a somber air of self control. He can deal nonlethal damage with weapons he wields without penalty.
A bushido adherent follows the customs of Bushido with a religious fervor. He must act mindfully of the 8 precepts of Bushido as a samuari would follow their edicts. These precepts are Righteousness (義 gi), Heroic Courage (勇 yū), Compassion (仁 jin), Respect (礼 rei), Honesty (誠 makoto), Honour (名誉 meiyo), Duty and Loyalty (忠義 chūgi), Self-Control (自制 jisei).
The bushido follower's deep commitment to the code of Bushio is all consuming. He does not gain an order.
Keeper of Divine Order
A bushido adherent's understanding of the rituals of bushido grants him some insight into the rituals of spellcasting. He adds Use Magic Device and Spellcraft to his list of class skills. In addition, he may activate spell trigger and spell completion magic items as though he had access to the inquisitor spell list.
Ritual Challenge
When issuing a challenge, the bushido adherent must enact a ritual to ensure his challenge follows the code of Bushido. The bushido adherent must spend a standard action to issue a challenge.
This modifies challenge
Hand of Faith (Sp)
At 2nd level, the bushido adherent begins to follow Bushido as a matter of faith, rather than a code of ethics. He chooses a first level spell from the Inquisitor spell list with a range greater than touch. When the bushido adherent declares a challenge, he casts his chosen spell as a spell-like ability on the target of his challenge, using his samurai level in place of his caster level. If the spell is not capable of affecting the target, the challenge fails. The DC of this ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 his samurai level + his Wisdom modifier.
At 8th level the samurai chooses a 3rd level spell and at 15th level, he chooses a 5th level spell. When he declares a challenge, he may choose any of his chosen spells to cast.
Spirit of the Eight Virtues
Beginning at 6th level, the bushido adherent begins to physically transform, embodying the 8 virtues of Bushido. He gains one of the following embodiments at 6th level and an additional embodiment at 12th and 18th level. A bushido adherent cannot select an individual embodiment more than once. This replaces the bushido adherent’s bonus combat feats
義 Gi - Righteousness (Ex): The bushido adherent embodies integrity and honest justice. He may gains a bonus on Diplomacy skill checks equal to 1/2 his samurai level.
勇 Yū - Heroic Courage (Ex): The bushido adherent embodies heroism and calculated risk. When he declares a challenge, his penalty to AC against creatures other than the target of his challenge doubles,and he gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 at 12th and 18th level.
仁 Jin - Benevolence (Sp): The bushido adherent becomes a beacon of compassion. He may cast cure light wounds as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his Wisdom modifier, using his samurai level in place of his caster level.
礼 Rei - Respect (Sp): The bushido adherent respects those he does not agree with, and learns from them. He chooses a 2nd level spell from the paladin spell-list if (if he is evil) or anti-paladin spell list (if he is good). A neutral bushido adherent chooses a spell from the list which aligns least with his ethics.The bushido adherent adds this spell to the list of spell-like abilities he can use with his Hand of Faith class feature. He chooses a 3rd level spell at 8th level and a 4th level spell at 15th level.
誠 Makoto - Integrity (Sp): The bushido adherent’s word is his sacred bond. He gains bloodsworn retribution as a spell-like ability usable once per day. He may only maintain a single oath at a time, and cannot sacrifice more hit points than 5 + his samurai level.
名誉 Meiyo - Honor (Ex): The bushido adherent becomes a totem of honor and humility. When the bushido adherent misses with attack roll made as part of a charge, he may allow the target of his charge to make an attack against him at their highest base attack bonus. This does not require an action. If the target does, the samurai may reroll his attack roll to see if he actually hits. The target’s attack takes place before the bushido adherent’s attack. He may use this ability one per day at 6th level and an additional time per day at 12th and 18th levels; if the target declines to attack, the daily use of this ability is not spent.
忠義 Chūgi - Duty and Loyalty (Sp): The bushido adherent becomes tied to his charges. Once each day when he regains his uses of his Resolve class feature, he chooses a single creature as his charge. He may spend a use of resolve to cast sacrificial oath as a spell-like ability targeting that creature.
自制 Jisei - Self-Control: The bushido adherent gains a somber air of self control. He can deal nonlethal damage with weapons he wields without penalty.