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The goat riders of Oduma are halfling freedom fighter, able to strike quickly from the backs of their mounts before retreating a safe distance. Springing skirmishers are at home in the rocky terrain of their home city, navigating peaks and crags with their intelligent mounts. Goat riders are wary of teaching their craft to others, but will sometimes entrust other small sized creatures with their secrets in the name of fighting for freedom. This racial archetype may be selected by other small size races than halflings, subject to GM discretion.
Goat Rider
The springing skirmisher gains a goat as a familiar, using his cavalier level in place of his wizard level. His familiar's hit points are equal to the springing skirmisher's hit points, instead of half his hit points. Additionally, the cavalier gains Undersized Mount as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites, but only for the purpose of riding his familiar.
This replaces mount
Springing Rider (Ex)
When the springing skirmisher successfully strikes a creature with the attack action while mounted on his familiar, his familiar may move up to 15 feet. This movement does not cause the cavalier or his mount to provoke attacks of opportunity from the damaged creature.
This replaces tactician
Mountain Skirmisher
At 4th level, the springing skirmisher and his mount gain an insight bonus equal to half his cavalier level on Acrobatics checks made to cross narrow ledges and on saving throws against altitude fatigue and sickness.
This replaces master trainer
Mountain Climber
At 9th level, the springing skirmisher’s mount gains a climb speed equal to its base land speed.
This replaces greater tactician
Swift Death (Ex)
At 17th level, when the springing skirmisher uses the attack action while mounted on his familiar, he rolls his attack roll twice and takes the higher result. If both of these rolls threaten a critical, his target is decapitated, as though his weapon was a vorpal weapon.
This replaces master tactician
The springing skirmisher gains a goat as a familiar, using his cavalier level in place of his wizard level. His familiar's hit points are equal to the springing skirmisher's hit points, instead of half his hit points. Additionally, the cavalier gains Undersized Mount as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites, but only for the purpose of riding his familiar.
This replaces mount
Springing Rider (Ex)
When the springing skirmisher successfully strikes a creature with the attack action while mounted on his familiar, his familiar may move up to 15 feet. This movement does not cause the cavalier or his mount to provoke attacks of opportunity from the damaged creature.
This replaces tactician
Mountain Skirmisher
At 4th level, the springing skirmisher and his mount gain an insight bonus equal to half his cavalier level on Acrobatics checks made to cross narrow ledges and on saving throws against altitude fatigue and sickness.
This replaces master trainer
Mountain Climber
At 9th level, the springing skirmisher’s mount gains a climb speed equal to its base land speed.
This replaces greater tactician
Swift Death (Ex)
At 17th level, when the springing skirmisher uses the attack action while mounted on his familiar, he rolls his attack roll twice and takes the higher result. If both of these rolls threaten a critical, his target is decapitated, as though his weapon was a vorpal weapon.
This replaces master tactician