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The Alcoria Sanitarium is a tortured island, the eternal prison of the Great Old Ones. Every stone, every leaf, every trembling breath of wind is infused with an overwhelming madness. The Alcorian Shaman is intimately attuned to this undertone of madness within the world, and can take even a common rock or river and summon forth the spirits of insanity within.
Broken Mind
The alcorian shaman’s broken mind leads her to neurotic paranoia, rejecting all but the dark spirits of the Dark Tapestry. She must select the Madness spirit and does not gain the Wandering Spirit or Wandering Hex class features.
Presence of the Sanitarium (Sp)
At 4th level, the alcorian shaman learns to tap into the eldritch forces behind the Dark Tapestry, using their madness to bring her enemies to their knees. When an enemy fails a Will saving throw against a one of the alcorian shaman’s spells, that enemy is confused for 1 round. The number of rounds increases by 1 at 12th and 20th level.
Emissary of Alcoria
At 6th level, the alcorian shaman’s spirit animal becomes twisted by the madness of the shaman’s eldritch patrons. She gains a Zoog as a familiar, as per Improved Familiar, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.
Unstoppable Decline
Beginning at 12th level, the alcorian shaman’s mind affecting-effects can affect creatures who would otherwise be immune to their abilities. Such effects with a duration have their duration reduced to one round.
Tear the Madness Out (Su)
At 14th level, when a creature confused by the alcorian shaman rolls a d100 to determine its actions for the turn, that creature takes an amount of damage equal to the alcorian shaman’s Charisma modifier. If the creature rolls a natural 100, it takes an additional amount of damage equal to its remaining hit points.
Aura of the Great Old Ones (Su)
At 20th level, the alcorian shaman is gifted with an aura of insanity. Enemies within 20 feet of must make a Will saving throw (DC = 20 + the alcorian shaman’s Charisma modifier) or else be confused for 1d4 rounds. An enemy who successfully saves against this effect is immune to it for 24 hours.
The alcorian shaman’s broken mind leads her to neurotic paranoia, rejecting all but the dark spirits of the Dark Tapestry. She must select the Madness spirit and does not gain the Wandering Spirit or Wandering Hex class features.
Presence of the Sanitarium (Sp)
At 4th level, the alcorian shaman learns to tap into the eldritch forces behind the Dark Tapestry, using their madness to bring her enemies to their knees. When an enemy fails a Will saving throw against a one of the alcorian shaman’s spells, that enemy is confused for 1 round. The number of rounds increases by 1 at 12th and 20th level.
Emissary of Alcoria
At 6th level, the alcorian shaman’s spirit animal becomes twisted by the madness of the shaman’s eldritch patrons. She gains a Zoog as a familiar, as per Improved Familiar, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.
Unstoppable Decline
Beginning at 12th level, the alcorian shaman’s mind affecting-effects can affect creatures who would otherwise be immune to their abilities. Such effects with a duration have their duration reduced to one round.
Tear the Madness Out (Su)
At 14th level, when a creature confused by the alcorian shaman rolls a d100 to determine its actions for the turn, that creature takes an amount of damage equal to the alcorian shaman’s Charisma modifier. If the creature rolls a natural 100, it takes an additional amount of damage equal to its remaining hit points.
Aura of the Great Old Ones (Su)
At 20th level, the alcorian shaman is gifted with an aura of insanity. Enemies within 20 feet of must make a Will saving throw (DC = 20 + the alcorian shaman’s Charisma modifier) or else be confused for 1d4 rounds. An enemy who successfully saves against this effect is immune to it for 24 hours.