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While many see arcane and divine magic as opposites, the very existence of psychic magic shows that all spellcasting is more spectrum than binary. The Theurgic Channeler uses this occult understanding to summon the spirits of both divine and arcane casters, gaining the ability to cast all three of these forms of magic.
Dual Channel
When the theurgic channeler conducts a seance, he channels two spirits, a spirit of the Archmage legend and a spirit of the Hierophant legend. He gains the abilities of both spirits and applies his spirit bonus on checks dictated by both spirits. These spirits can be channeled in any location by studying a spellbook and holy text. The theurgic medium may not channel spirits of other legends and may not channel a less powerful spirit.
This modifies spirit
Worship and Arcana
At 5th level, the theurgic channeler’s spells count as arcane, divine, and psychic spells, including for the purposes of meeting prerequisites. His spells, including those granted by the his spirits, require thought and emotion components instead of verbal and somatic components.
This replaces location channel
Mage’s Boon (Su)
At 7th level, when the theurgic channeler conducts a seance, he may choose to grant a single creature participating in his seance the ability to cast one spell he gains from his Archmage spirit and one spell he gains from his Hierophant spirit once as a spell-like ability. That creature uses their HD in place of their caster level for these abilities and the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature’s HD + its Int, Wis or Cha mod, whichever is higher.
This replaces connection channel
Spirit Wall (Su)
At 15th level, the theurgic channeler can separate his two spirits influence. The theurgic channeler’s Archmage and Hierophant spirit gain influence, and impose penalties from that influence, separately. The bonuses gained from either spirit having 4 or more influences do not stack, but the penalties do.
This replaces trance of three
Mage Mastery
At 20th level, the theurgic channeler learns to vastly expand his available spells. When he channels Hierophant and the Archmage spirits, he uses the number of spells per day in Table: Psychic instead of Table: Mesmerist.
This replaces astral beacon
When the theurgic channeler conducts a seance, he channels two spirits, a spirit of the Archmage legend and a spirit of the Hierophant legend. He gains the abilities of both spirits and applies his spirit bonus on checks dictated by both spirits. These spirits can be channeled in any location by studying a spellbook and holy text. The theurgic medium may not channel spirits of other legends and may not channel a less powerful spirit.
This modifies spirit
Worship and Arcana
At 5th level, the theurgic channeler’s spells count as arcane, divine, and psychic spells, including for the purposes of meeting prerequisites. His spells, including those granted by the his spirits, require thought and emotion components instead of verbal and somatic components.
This replaces location channel
Mage’s Boon (Su)
At 7th level, when the theurgic channeler conducts a seance, he may choose to grant a single creature participating in his seance the ability to cast one spell he gains from his Archmage spirit and one spell he gains from his Hierophant spirit once as a spell-like ability. That creature uses their HD in place of their caster level for these abilities and the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature’s HD + its Int, Wis or Cha mod, whichever is higher.
This replaces connection channel
Spirit Wall (Su)
At 15th level, the theurgic channeler can separate his two spirits influence. The theurgic channeler’s Archmage and Hierophant spirit gain influence, and impose penalties from that influence, separately. The bonuses gained from either spirit having 4 or more influences do not stack, but the penalties do.
This replaces trance of three
Mage Mastery
At 20th level, the theurgic channeler learns to vastly expand his available spells. When he channels Hierophant and the Archmage spirits, he uses the number of spells per day in Table: Psychic instead of Table: Mesmerist.
This replaces astral beacon