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A shah is a communal or spiritual leader of the Kuurite of Almira's desert region. The shah of sight uses her mystic powers to see the desires and anxieties of her people and bring the fulfillment. While this discipline is often taught to kuurite tribeswomen, the kuurite are a hospitable people and are sometimes willing to share their knowledge with others.
From the Spirits of the Desert
The shah of sight’s power is drawn from visions of the mystic desert spirits and other far more esoteric patrons than a normal oracle. She uses the witch spell list in place of the cleric/oracle spell list.
This modifies spells
Guided by the Desert
The shah of sight cannot take the clouded vision curse. She cannot cast spells while blinded.
This replaces the impairment inflicted by the oracle’s curse
A Divination at Twilight (Su)
At 3rd level, the shah of sight learns to expand her occult sight to reach into the mind and soul of her enemies. As a swift action, she may concentrate on a creature she is aware of within 60 feet to gain the benefits of both detect desires or detect anxieties, revealing information as though she had concentrated for three rounds using the chosen spell. A Will saving throw negates this effect (DC = 10 + 1/2 the oracle’s level + her Cha modifier). The shah of sight may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her oracle level.
This replaces the oracle’s revelation gained at 3rd level
Vision Granted from Beyond (Sp)
At 11th level, a shah of sight gains analyze aura as a constant spell-like ability. For 24 hours after the oracle analyzes each of a creature’s 4 auras, she automatically bypasses that creature’s spell resistance when casting divination spells targeting that creature.
This replaces the oracle’s revelation gained at 11rd level
Sight Beyond Sight (Su)
At 20th level, the shah of sight cast any divination spell from the witch or shaman spell list as though it were on her list of spells known. The casting time of such a spell is doubled (to a minimum of 2 rounds.
This replaces final revelation
The shah of sight’s power is drawn from visions of the mystic desert spirits and other far more esoteric patrons than a normal oracle. She uses the witch spell list in place of the cleric/oracle spell list.
This modifies spells
Guided by the Desert
The shah of sight cannot take the clouded vision curse. She cannot cast spells while blinded.
This replaces the impairment inflicted by the oracle’s curse
A Divination at Twilight (Su)
At 3rd level, the shah of sight learns to expand her occult sight to reach into the mind and soul of her enemies. As a swift action, she may concentrate on a creature she is aware of within 60 feet to gain the benefits of both detect desires or detect anxieties, revealing information as though she had concentrated for three rounds using the chosen spell. A Will saving throw negates this effect (DC = 10 + 1/2 the oracle’s level + her Cha modifier). The shah of sight may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her oracle level.
This replaces the oracle’s revelation gained at 3rd level
Vision Granted from Beyond (Sp)
At 11th level, a shah of sight gains analyze aura as a constant spell-like ability. For 24 hours after the oracle analyzes each of a creature’s 4 auras, she automatically bypasses that creature’s spell resistance when casting divination spells targeting that creature.
This replaces the oracle’s revelation gained at 11rd level
Sight Beyond Sight (Su)
At 20th level, the shah of sight cast any divination spell from the witch or shaman spell list as though it were on her list of spells known. The casting time of such a spell is doubled (to a minimum of 2 rounds.
This replaces final revelation