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"And thus the pact was sworn, an oath bound in blood and sealed by rite with ancient magicks. I shall prove myself and gain the gifts I am due." -Writings of Agarin, Sage of the High Tower
Blood Oath
At 1st level, the blood-oath aspirant makes a pact, bound in blood, with an arcane patron. She takes a monk’s vow consistent with her patron’s ideals, though she does not gain ki from this vow, even if she gains a ki pool from another class. In exchange for keeping her vow, the blood-oath aspirant gains her patron’s spells (chosen from the list of Witch patrons) as additional spells prepared each day.
If the blood-oath aspirant breaks her vow, she loses all remaining spells per day and the prepared spells and spell-like abilities granted by this archetype until she regains his spell slots.
Agrestal Gift (Sp)
At 5th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the druid spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new druid spell at 7th level and every two levels thereafter.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 5th level
Oracular Gift (Sp)
At 9th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the oracle spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new oracle spell at 11th level and every two levels thereafter.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 9th level
Occult Gift (Sp)
At 13th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the witch spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new witch spell at 15th level and every two levels thereafter.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 13th level
Phrenic Gift (Sp)
At 17th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the psychic spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new psychic spell at 19th level.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 17th level
Enlightened Gift (Su)
At 20th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s gains an additional use of her Agrestal, Oracular, Occult, and Phrenic Gift spell-like abilities. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant may change the chosen spell associated with any of these abilities when she prepares her spells each day.
This replaces arcane supremacy
At 1st level, the blood-oath aspirant makes a pact, bound in blood, with an arcane patron. She takes a monk’s vow consistent with her patron’s ideals, though she does not gain ki from this vow, even if she gains a ki pool from another class. In exchange for keeping her vow, the blood-oath aspirant gains her patron’s spells (chosen from the list of Witch patrons) as additional spells prepared each day.
If the blood-oath aspirant breaks her vow, she loses all remaining spells per day and the prepared spells and spell-like abilities granted by this archetype until she regains his spell slots.
Agrestal Gift (Sp)
At 5th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the druid spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new druid spell at 7th level and every two levels thereafter.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 5th level
Oracular Gift (Sp)
At 9th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the oracle spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new oracle spell at 11th level and every two levels thereafter.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 9th level
Occult Gift (Sp)
At 13th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the witch spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new witch spell at 15th level and every two levels thereafter.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 13th level
Phrenic Gift (Sp)
At 17th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s patron grants her a single spell of a spell level she can cast from the psychic spell list. She adds this spell to her spell list and gains it as an additional spell prepared each day. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant gains her chosen spell as a spell-like ability, usable once per day. The DC of this spell-like ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 her level + her Intelligence modifier. The blood-oath aspirant may exchange this spell for new psychic spell at 19th level.
This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 17th level
Enlightened Gift (Su)
At 20th level, the blood-oath aspirant’s gains an additional use of her Agrestal, Oracular, Occult, and Phrenic Gift spell-like abilities. Additionally, the blood-oath aspirant may change the chosen spell associated with any of these abilities when she prepares her spells each day.
This replaces arcane supremacy