The child deity Rajima was born a slave in the Palace of Sin. After a botched escape attempt, Rajima was sentenced to death and sold to a butcher. As the hungry div raised the cleaver high, Rajima’s deific spark ignited. Rajima fought his way out of Hong Xa with a host of slaves, and now uses his gifts to carry out acts of justice and salvation. Rajima considers himself a spiritual brother to Sgurn and is the only living creature Sgurn considers true family. Rajima refuses to eat meat and his priests and worshipers often follow similar dietary restrictions.
Lawful Good |
ruh-JEE-muh |
Rajiman |
Hand of Justice Spark of Salvation The Noble Youth |
Salvation, Justice, Freeing Slaves |
Child Slaves, Those who venture into the Palace of Sin, Those who free slaves |
Friendship, Growth, Cooperation, Freedom, Revolution |
Favored Weapon
Handaxe |
A fractured cleaver inside a circle of light |
Sacred Animal
Boar |
Sacred Colors
Crimson and Silver |
Like all gods, Rajima grants boons to his worshipers. Find them here: