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Many merfolk, gillmen, and other aquatic humanoids are well adapted to combat underneath the waves of Almira's oceans, but are unable to transfer their talents to combat on land. The water bearer brings the power of the ocean to the the land, allowing their allies to use their unique talents.
Emissary of the Water
A water bearer gains a Swim speed equal to half his base land speed, and all the benefits of having a swim speed.
This replaces wild empathy
Ocean’s Herald (Su)
A water bearer is an emissary of the ocean, carrying its waters across the earth. Once per day beginning at 3rd level, he may create a zone of ocean’s reach. This zone extends out in a 50-foot radius from the ranger and moves with him, lasting for 1 minute per ranger level. Creatures within this zone can use a swim speed they possess as though they were underwater, and treat each other creature who is within this zone as though they were submerged within the same body of water. The water bearer may use this ability an additional time per day at 8th level and every five levels thereafter.
This replaces favored terrain
Water Within (Su)
Beginning at 7th level, the water bearer’s oceanic prowess overflows. He gains fire resistance 10. This increases to fire resistance 20 while he is submerged in water.
This replaces woodland stride
Swift Swimmer (Ex)
At 8th level, the water bearer gains a +20 foot enhancement bonus to his Swim speed.
This replaces swift tracker
Tide Holder (Sp)
Beginning at 12th level, the water bearer gains freedom of movement as a constant spell-like ability while submerged in water. He may end this effect as a standard action, even while not submerged, to cast hydraulic torrent as a spell-like ability, using his ranger level + his Wisdom modifier in place of his CMB. The freedom of movement effect resumes 1d4 minutes after hydraulic torrent is cast.
This replaces camouflage
Ocean’s Veil
Beginning at 17th level, enemies never have line of effect when casting a spell with the fire descriptor targeting the water bearer and the water bearer is always considered to have cover from fire effects.
This replaces hide in plain sight
A water bearer gains a Swim speed equal to half his base land speed, and all the benefits of having a swim speed.
This replaces wild empathy
Ocean’s Herald (Su)
A water bearer is an emissary of the ocean, carrying its waters across the earth. Once per day beginning at 3rd level, he may create a zone of ocean’s reach. This zone extends out in a 50-foot radius from the ranger and moves with him, lasting for 1 minute per ranger level. Creatures within this zone can use a swim speed they possess as though they were underwater, and treat each other creature who is within this zone as though they were submerged within the same body of water. The water bearer may use this ability an additional time per day at 8th level and every five levels thereafter.
This replaces favored terrain
Water Within (Su)
Beginning at 7th level, the water bearer’s oceanic prowess overflows. He gains fire resistance 10. This increases to fire resistance 20 while he is submerged in water.
This replaces woodland stride
Swift Swimmer (Ex)
At 8th level, the water bearer gains a +20 foot enhancement bonus to his Swim speed.
This replaces swift tracker
Tide Holder (Sp)
Beginning at 12th level, the water bearer gains freedom of movement as a constant spell-like ability while submerged in water. He may end this effect as a standard action, even while not submerged, to cast hydraulic torrent as a spell-like ability, using his ranger level + his Wisdom modifier in place of his CMB. The freedom of movement effect resumes 1d4 minutes after hydraulic torrent is cast.
This replaces camouflage
Ocean’s Veil
Beginning at 17th level, enemies never have line of effect when casting a spell with the fire descriptor targeting the water bearer and the water bearer is always considered to have cover from fire effects.
This replaces hide in plain sight