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Matsura is the Almiran goddess of untouched beauty and docile wild animals. She and her druids maintain a number of sanctuaries throughout the wild of the world, areas of peace where all who enter are able to rest and break bread with their adversaries. These sanctuaries are tended by Matsuran Petal Dancers. While these druids prefer nonviolence, they are able to overcome even the most powerful adversaries.
Alignment: A petal dancer must be of a good alignment and worship Matsura, the Blossom Goddess. A petal dancer whose alignment becomes non-good or violates Matsura’s tenets loses all class features until she atones (per atonement).
This modifies alignment
Skills: A petal dancer adds Perform (Cha) to her list of class skills, but removes Profession (Wis)
Petal Spells
A petal dancer uses her Charisma score and modifier in place of her Wisdom score and modifier for all class features.
Garden Druid
A petal dancer who chooses an animal companion as her bond gains a petal elemental as an animal companion. This companion is made of animated petals in the vague shape of the base creature, and such gains immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and precision damage. A petal elemental’s hits hit dice is d6 instead of d8. It counts as both an animal and an elemental for the purposes of being affected by spells.
A petal dancer who chooses a domain must select a domain granted by Matsura and may accept an appropriate subdomain.
This modifies nature’s bond
Bardic Performance:
At 1st level, a petal dancer gains the bardic performance ability. She has a number of rounds of bardic performance per day equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier + her druid level. If the petal dancer also has bard levels, she may use these rounds interchangeably. This replaces wild shape and wild empathy.
Petal’s Edge (Su): While the petal dancer maintains this performance, she adds her Charisma modifier on melee attack rolls in place of her Strength modifier.
Fragrant Winds (Su): A petal dancer of 4th level or higher may create areas of healing wind with her performance. When she begins this performance, she manifests a light wind which fills a single 5-foot square within 30 feet. As a move action, the petal dancer may move this wind up to 30 feet. When the wind enters an ally’s square, it stops and that ally is healed 1d8 hit points plus her Charisma modifier. A single ally may not be healed this way more than once from a single performance.
Living Petals (Su): A petal dancer of 16th level or higher may begin this performance as part of the action required to activate her thousand faces class feature. If she does, she becomes a petal elemental instead of a Humanoid creature. While in the form of a petal elemental the petal dancer’s concealment from her petal shield class feature increases to total concealment and her fire resistance and DR increase by 5. She also gains immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and precision damage. This modifies thousand faces
Petal Strike (Sp)
At 1st level, the petal dancer can spend 1 round of bardic performance to conjure a forceful burst of petals as a ranged touch attack which deals 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. If she is maintaining her petals edge performance, she adds her Charisma modifier to this damage.
This ability replaces nature sense
Petal Shield (Su)
At 4th level, the petal dancer learns to harden the petals that surround her when she performs, creating a mobile shield. She gains DR/evil and fire resistance equal to half her level while using a bardic performance. At 12th level, she gains concealment as well.
Garden Spells (Sp)
At 8th level, the petal dancer can use her performance to create magical effects. She can cast the following spell-like abilities at the the listed levels by spending the listed number of rounds of bardic performance.
Petal Step (Sp): At 8th level, the petal dancer may spend 5 rounds of bardic performance to cast dimension door as a spell-like ability. She may only move up to her speed and may only move herself and any equipment she is carrying (within the limits of the spell).
Breath of Nature (Sp): At 12th level, the petal dancer can spend 6 rounds of bardic performance to cast breath of life as a spell-like ability. She can use this ability to revive a creature who died within a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier, instead of 1 round.
Petal Storm (Sp): At 20th level, the petal dancer can spend 10 rounds of bardic performance to cast winds of vengeance as a spell-like ability (DC 20 + Cha modifier).
This modifies alignment
Skills: A petal dancer adds Perform (Cha) to her list of class skills, but removes Profession (Wis)
Petal Spells
A petal dancer uses her Charisma score and modifier in place of her Wisdom score and modifier for all class features.
Garden Druid
A petal dancer who chooses an animal companion as her bond gains a petal elemental as an animal companion. This companion is made of animated petals in the vague shape of the base creature, and such gains immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and precision damage. A petal elemental’s hits hit dice is d6 instead of d8. It counts as both an animal and an elemental for the purposes of being affected by spells.
A petal dancer who chooses a domain must select a domain granted by Matsura and may accept an appropriate subdomain.
This modifies nature’s bond
Bardic Performance:
At 1st level, a petal dancer gains the bardic performance ability. She has a number of rounds of bardic performance per day equal to 4 + her Charisma modifier + her druid level. If the petal dancer also has bard levels, she may use these rounds interchangeably. This replaces wild shape and wild empathy.
Petal’s Edge (Su): While the petal dancer maintains this performance, she adds her Charisma modifier on melee attack rolls in place of her Strength modifier.
Fragrant Winds (Su): A petal dancer of 4th level or higher may create areas of healing wind with her performance. When she begins this performance, she manifests a light wind which fills a single 5-foot square within 30 feet. As a move action, the petal dancer may move this wind up to 30 feet. When the wind enters an ally’s square, it stops and that ally is healed 1d8 hit points plus her Charisma modifier. A single ally may not be healed this way more than once from a single performance.
Living Petals (Su): A petal dancer of 16th level or higher may begin this performance as part of the action required to activate her thousand faces class feature. If she does, she becomes a petal elemental instead of a Humanoid creature. While in the form of a petal elemental the petal dancer’s concealment from her petal shield class feature increases to total concealment and her fire resistance and DR increase by 5. She also gains immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and precision damage. This modifies thousand faces
Petal Strike (Sp)
At 1st level, the petal dancer can spend 1 round of bardic performance to conjure a forceful burst of petals as a ranged touch attack which deals 1d4 points of nonlethal damage. If she is maintaining her petals edge performance, she adds her Charisma modifier to this damage.
This ability replaces nature sense
Petal Shield (Su)
At 4th level, the petal dancer learns to harden the petals that surround her when she performs, creating a mobile shield. She gains DR/evil and fire resistance equal to half her level while using a bardic performance. At 12th level, she gains concealment as well.
Garden Spells (Sp)
At 8th level, the petal dancer can use her performance to create magical effects. She can cast the following spell-like abilities at the the listed levels by spending the listed number of rounds of bardic performance.
Petal Step (Sp): At 8th level, the petal dancer may spend 5 rounds of bardic performance to cast dimension door as a spell-like ability. She may only move up to her speed and may only move herself and any equipment she is carrying (within the limits of the spell).
Breath of Nature (Sp): At 12th level, the petal dancer can spend 6 rounds of bardic performance to cast breath of life as a spell-like ability. She can use this ability to revive a creature who died within a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier, instead of 1 round.
Petal Storm (Sp): At 20th level, the petal dancer can spend 10 rounds of bardic performance to cast winds of vengeance as a spell-like ability (DC 20 + Cha modifier).