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The plague bringer is a worshiper of Kelsidruun, the goddess of plague and genocide. She is the killer of deities and the bane of all mortals.
Covenant of Sepsis (Su)
The plague bringer enters a Sepsis Covenant with Kelsidruun at the time of his fall from grace. This covenant gives the plague bringer his power, and in return, he agrees to spread death and disease to every corner of the world. Should he willingly attempt to cure any disease or willingly allow a disease to be cured in his presence he loses all class features and becomes afflicted with a random disease. The duration of the disease is permanent and the DC of the saving throw against this disease is equal to 21 + the plague bringer’s bonus on Fortitude saving throws (including any temporary bonuses the plague bringer might add). The effects of this disease cannot be cured or suppressed in any way.
This replaces the antipaladin’s normal code of conduct
Smite the Clean
The plague bringer revels in the spread of disease and abhors whole and healthy creatures. A plague bringer can smite foes of any alignment but only if their current health + their temporary hit points is greater than or equal to their maximum health.
This modifies smite good
Blade of Filth (Su)
At 5th level, the plague bringer gains a Blade of Filth. This functions as a bonded weapon, using the plague bringer's antipaladin level in place of this wizard level. The plague bringer can apply samples of disease to his blade as though they where poison and and the onset of the disease is changed to immediate.
This replaces fiendish boon
Piercing Plague (Su)
At 14th level, the plague bringer can affect creatures who are immune to disease with diseases and disease effects he creates.
This replaces aura of sin
Godplague (Ex)
At 20th level, when the plague bringer confirms a critical hit with his Blade of Filth, he inflicts two diseases on his target, as though he had cast greater contagion twice (DC 20 + Cha modifier). Spell resistance does not apply to this ability.
This replaces unholy champion
The plague bringer enters a Sepsis Covenant with Kelsidruun at the time of his fall from grace. This covenant gives the plague bringer his power, and in return, he agrees to spread death and disease to every corner of the world. Should he willingly attempt to cure any disease or willingly allow a disease to be cured in his presence he loses all class features and becomes afflicted with a random disease. The duration of the disease is permanent and the DC of the saving throw against this disease is equal to 21 + the plague bringer’s bonus on Fortitude saving throws (including any temporary bonuses the plague bringer might add). The effects of this disease cannot be cured or suppressed in any way.
This replaces the antipaladin’s normal code of conduct
Smite the Clean
The plague bringer revels in the spread of disease and abhors whole and healthy creatures. A plague bringer can smite foes of any alignment but only if their current health + their temporary hit points is greater than or equal to their maximum health.
This modifies smite good
Blade of Filth (Su)
At 5th level, the plague bringer gains a Blade of Filth. This functions as a bonded weapon, using the plague bringer's antipaladin level in place of this wizard level. The plague bringer can apply samples of disease to his blade as though they where poison and and the onset of the disease is changed to immediate.
This replaces fiendish boon
Piercing Plague (Su)
At 14th level, the plague bringer can affect creatures who are immune to disease with diseases and disease effects he creates.
This replaces aura of sin
Godplague (Ex)
At 20th level, when the plague bringer confirms a critical hit with his Blade of Filth, he inflicts two diseases on his target, as though he had cast greater contagion twice (DC 20 + Cha modifier). Spell resistance does not apply to this ability.
This replaces unholy champion