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Within the clockwork city of Harjess, goldsmiths use delicate wire of pure gold to craft intricate constructs. These merchant clockworkers are adept at rationing their materials and innovating their designs to conserve this precious resource.
Goldworker (Ex)
The goldwire clockworker uses delicate golden wire to create intricate filigree clockwork. He may ignore Craft Construct and one spell as prerequisites when creating constructs. He may ignore an additional spell prerequisite at 4th level and every 7 levels thereafter.
Additionally, the goldwire clockworker gains a pool of scrap metal worth 500 gp. He may spend from this pool when creating constructs in place of paying for that construct’s construction cost. If a construct created with this gold is destroyed and the goldwire clockworker can recover the body, he can salvage the amount of gold spent as part of an 8 hour work session.
The goldwire clockworker’s pool of scrap is worth 500 gp * his level. At 5th level, this pool increases to 750 gp * his level instead. At 15th level, this pool increases to 1000 gp * his level instead. This gold is not cumulative, the investigator gains the difference between the amount of gold he had previously and the amount of gold he should have when he gains a level. This includes gold he has invested in his constructs. For example, an investigator rising from 8th to 9th level gains 750 gp worth of scrap and his pool is worth 3,750 gp.
This replaces alchemy
Steady Hands (Ex)
The goldwire clockworker is accustomed to working with delicate and expensive materials. He gains a competence bonus on Appraise and Sleight of Hand skill checks equal to 1/2 his investigator level.
This replaces trapfinding
Swift Examination (Su)
At 3rd level, the goldwire clockworker gains sift as an at-will spell-like ability. Additionally, he does not need to spend a point of inspiration in order to use his inspiration on Perception checks.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 3rd level
Find the Flaws (Ex)
At 3rd level when the goldwire clockworker purchases an item, he can make an Appraise skill check to find and point out flaws in the item. The goldwire clockworker chooses an amount of discount he would like to gain (maximum 10%). The DC of his Appraise skill check is equal to 15 + the percent discount he chooses. The maximum percentage allowed by this ability is increased by +5% at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter (maximum 35% at 18th level). The goldwire clockworker cannot use this ability to gain a discount from a specific merchant more than once.
This replaces trap sense
Valuation (Ex)
At 11th level, when the goldwire clockworker studies a creature with his studied combat class feature, he immediately identifies each magical item that his target is wearing.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 11 level
The goldwire clockworker uses delicate golden wire to create intricate filigree clockwork. He may ignore Craft Construct and one spell as prerequisites when creating constructs. He may ignore an additional spell prerequisite at 4th level and every 7 levels thereafter.
Additionally, the goldwire clockworker gains a pool of scrap metal worth 500 gp. He may spend from this pool when creating constructs in place of paying for that construct’s construction cost. If a construct created with this gold is destroyed and the goldwire clockworker can recover the body, he can salvage the amount of gold spent as part of an 8 hour work session.
The goldwire clockworker’s pool of scrap is worth 500 gp * his level. At 5th level, this pool increases to 750 gp * his level instead. At 15th level, this pool increases to 1000 gp * his level instead. This gold is not cumulative, the investigator gains the difference between the amount of gold he had previously and the amount of gold he should have when he gains a level. This includes gold he has invested in his constructs. For example, an investigator rising from 8th to 9th level gains 750 gp worth of scrap and his pool is worth 3,750 gp.
This replaces alchemy
Steady Hands (Ex)
The goldwire clockworker is accustomed to working with delicate and expensive materials. He gains a competence bonus on Appraise and Sleight of Hand skill checks equal to 1/2 his investigator level.
This replaces trapfinding
Swift Examination (Su)
At 3rd level, the goldwire clockworker gains sift as an at-will spell-like ability. Additionally, he does not need to spend a point of inspiration in order to use his inspiration on Perception checks.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 3rd level
Find the Flaws (Ex)
At 3rd level when the goldwire clockworker purchases an item, he can make an Appraise skill check to find and point out flaws in the item. The goldwire clockworker chooses an amount of discount he would like to gain (maximum 10%). The DC of his Appraise skill check is equal to 15 + the percent discount he chooses. The maximum percentage allowed by this ability is increased by +5% at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter (maximum 35% at 18th level). The goldwire clockworker cannot use this ability to gain a discount from a specific merchant more than once.
This replaces trap sense
Valuation (Ex)
At 11th level, when the goldwire clockworker studies a creature with his studied combat class feature, he immediately identifies each magical item that his target is wearing.
This replaces the investigator talent gained at 11 level