The Ezymir are humanoid creatures with deep purple flesh and exoskeletons made of bleached white bone. Ezymir are brought to life by concentrated or uncontrolled negative energy. When such energy is released, unconstrained, into the earth, it draws thousands of bones from nearby in a process known as quickening. After an amount of time ranging from days to years, an ezymir emerges from the earth fully formed. The Ezymir are similar in many ways to other humanoids, however they do not posses hands. An Ezymir’s arms end in sharp bone spikes, which they use as natural weapons. Ezymir are able to shape their internal necromantic energy into small necromantic servants, which they use to complete mundane tasks. Well quickened ezymir are imperious and haughty, while swiftly quickened ezymir are often cowardly and conniving. Ezymir have a sex and gender, but do not reproduce.
Appearance: All ezymir have a complex exoskeleton, and most have deep purple flesh. The longer an ezymir’s quickening lasts, the less flesh it retains. Ezymir who quicken for a full year often look like skeletons with thin ropes of purple flesh hanging within, while ezymir who quicken for only a few days may look like purple humans with little more than bone tattoos and protrusions. Regardless of their time spent quickening, an ezymir’s arms end in sharp bone spikes instead of hands. Location: Ezymir are found all over Almira. While they are often shunned in tightly knit communities, Ezymir have small settlements in The Nation, and there are small ezymir settlements in Tzalandar and Genamott. Ezymir have a noble bloodline in the House of Herons, and have a substantial presence there. Names: Brodigan, Axipas, Naelkor, Tathalian, Tirit, Kai-Tui, Klaiss, Kilik, Manak, Kasso, Exasa, Dalka, Gashri, Viktar, Kolt, Dakash, Kin’Kotai Standard Racial Traits Ability Scores: Ezymir have different racial traits based on how they quickened. Well quickened ezymir are sturdily built and imperious, but their exoskeletons often hinder their ability to move quickly. A well quickened ezymir gains +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, and -2 Dexterity. Swiftly quickened ezymir are swift and cunning, with little armor to protect them. A swiftly quickened ezymir gains +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, and -2 Constitution. Size: Ezymir are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. Type: Ezymir are humanoids with the Ezymir subtype. Base Speed: Ezymir have a base speed of 30 feet. Languages: Ezymir begin play speaking Common and Necril. Ezymir with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Abyssal, Infernal, Vaellu, Necril, and Undercommon. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Other Racial Traits Darkvision: Ezymir can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet. Bone Spikes: Ezymir do not have hands and as such cannot wield weapons or hold items, and cannot manipulate items such as door handles, keys, or currency. However, an ezymir’s bone spikes make formidable natural weapons. An ezymir gains two gore primary natural attacks, each of which deal 1d6 piercing damage. Shadow Puppet (Sp): All ezymir learn early on to animate the necromantic energy which fuels them. As a standard action, an ezymir can animate a shadow puppet. This is a construct of force, as per unseen servant, though the animated conjured servant is composed of vaguely humanoid shaped negative energy. A shadow puppet can perform tasks which require skill checks or ability checks using the ezymir’s modifier. An ezymir may only have one shadow puppet active at a time. A shadow puppet's composition is delicate and cannot wield, activate, or wear magic items. Negative Energy Affinity: Because of their ties to negative energy, an ezymir reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were undead. Positive energy harms it, while negative energy heals it. Bone Armor: The ezymir’s bone skeleton grants it incredible resilience. An ezymir gains a +2 natural armor bonus to their AC. Undead Resistances: An ezymir’s undead-like anatomy grants it a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects. Ezymir Racial Options
Partial Animation - Feat Prerequisites: Ezymir, Shadow Puppet racial trait You may choose to summon a partial shadow puppet, animating your negative energy into shadowy arms instead of a whole servant. Doing so allows you to wield weapons and other objects, and manipulate items. You take a -1 penalty on attack rolls and skill checks made with weapons or items wielded in these arms. You cannot use your bone spikes to make gore attacks while your arms are animated this way. Dismissing your arms is a standard action. |
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Art by DynamiteBear