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Great scholars rule their people with logic and an even hand. Your ability to reason and debate has allowed you to keep a grasp of your kingdom and to further explore the academic and magical arts.
Scholar’s Skill (Su)
You gain one point of scholar’s skill each round at 1st level and an additional point each round at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. Points of scholar’s skill not used by the end of the round are lost. You may spend a point of scholar’s skill to activate one of the following effects:
Scholar’s Study (Ex)
At 2nd level, you gain detect magic, mage hand, and prestidigitation as at-will spell-like abilities and add your Art of the Encounter bonus on Use Magic Device and Spellcraft skill checks.
Recharge (Su)
At 6th level, after resting for 8 hours, you can spend one hour fiddling with a number of magic items no greater than your Charisma modifier. These items must be spell trigger or spell completion items which have charges. After one hour, each item regains a single charge. This ability cannot restore charges to an item if it has the same number of charges it was created with.
Metastave (Su)
At 10th level, when you activate a spell trigger or spell completion item as a standard action, you increase the activation time of that item to a full-round action in order to apply one of the following metamagic feats to the activated spell: Bouncing Spell, Elemental Spell, Encouraging Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Intensified Spell, Piercing Spell, or Selective Spell. Doing so requires you to spend a number of points of scholar's skill equal to the level increase of the applied metamagic feat. You may only apply a single metamagic feat to the effects of a given item.
Quicken Activation (Ex)
At 14th level, you may spend three points of scholar’s skill to activate a spell trigger or spell completion item with an activation time of a standard action as a swift action instead. If that activation time would be further modified by you metastave aristocrat school power, the final casting time is a standard action.
Improved Metastave (Su)
At 18th level, you reduce the number of points of scholar's skill required by your metastave class feature by 1 and can apply the following metamagic feats with your metastave class feature: Consecrate Spell, Empower Spell, Fearsome Spell, Persistent Spell, Studied Spell, Thundering Spell, Traumatic Spell, and Widen Spell.
You gain one point of scholar’s skill each round at 1st level and an additional point each round at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter. Points of scholar’s skill not used by the end of the round are lost. You may spend a point of scholar’s skill to activate one of the following effects:
- Automatically succeed on a Use Magic Device check to activate a spell trigger or spell completion item.
- Increase the DC of a spell or effect generated by a spell trigger or spell completion item by +1.
- Use your aristocrat level in place of a spell trigger or spell completion item’s caster level, and your Charisma modifier to determine the effects and DC of the activated item.
Scholar’s Study (Ex)
At 2nd level, you gain detect magic, mage hand, and prestidigitation as at-will spell-like abilities and add your Art of the Encounter bonus on Use Magic Device and Spellcraft skill checks.
Recharge (Su)
At 6th level, after resting for 8 hours, you can spend one hour fiddling with a number of magic items no greater than your Charisma modifier. These items must be spell trigger or spell completion items which have charges. After one hour, each item regains a single charge. This ability cannot restore charges to an item if it has the same number of charges it was created with.
Metastave (Su)
At 10th level, when you activate a spell trigger or spell completion item as a standard action, you increase the activation time of that item to a full-round action in order to apply one of the following metamagic feats to the activated spell: Bouncing Spell, Elemental Spell, Encouraging Spell, Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Intensified Spell, Piercing Spell, or Selective Spell. Doing so requires you to spend a number of points of scholar's skill equal to the level increase of the applied metamagic feat. You may only apply a single metamagic feat to the effects of a given item.
Quicken Activation (Ex)
At 14th level, you may spend three points of scholar’s skill to activate a spell trigger or spell completion item with an activation time of a standard action as a swift action instead. If that activation time would be further modified by you metastave aristocrat school power, the final casting time is a standard action.
Improved Metastave (Su)
At 18th level, you reduce the number of points of scholar's skill required by your metastave class feature by 1 and can apply the following metamagic feats with your metastave class feature: Consecrate Spell, Empower Spell, Fearsome Spell, Persistent Spell, Studied Spell, Thundering Spell, Traumatic Spell, and Widen Spell.