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For The
The benevolent optimist blesses his allies just as he curses his foes. A beacon of hope and a healing soul, this psychic caster uses his talents to invigorate and rejuvenate even his most disconsolate allies.
Type: Archetype Removes or Modifies: Painful Stare | Consummate Liar | Towering Ego | Mesmerist Tricks gained at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th levels | Glib Lie | Rule Minds |
The empathic seer uses his psychic arts to peer deep into his enemies minds and heart, manipulating that information for his own gain.
Type: Archetype Removes or Modifies: Consummate Liar | Bold Stare | Glib Lie | Rule Minds |
The internuncio of good is the collective voice of the gods of good, a mouthpiece that brings their will into the world. The internuncio of good is able to drag the unrighteous into the light, humiliating them before those who would oppose injustice.
Type: Archetype Alignment Requirement: Good Removes or Modifies: Hypnotic Stare | Painful Stare | Mesmerist Trick gained at 2nd level | Bold Stare | Rule Minds |
Music is the language of the soul and the occult piper is able to beguile, coerce, and confound his enemies in this most sacred speech. Equipped with soft, lilting tunes and fascinating performances, the occult piper can dominate an entire audience without a single word.
Type: Archetype Removes or Modifies: Hypnotic Stare | Mesmerist Tricks gained at 1st, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels | Mental Potency |
When dark and powerful forces break the psyche of an aspiring mesmerist, they are more often than not set to the path of the Wild Eye. These broken minds prowl the dark reaches of the world, using their insanity to unnerve and terrify their enemies.
Type: Archetype Spellcasting Change: Witch Spell List Removes or Modifies: Hypnotic Stare | Mental Potency | Mesmerist Trick gained at 20th level |