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Music is the language of the soul and the occult piper is able to beguile, coerce, and confound his enemies in this most sacred speech. Equipped with soft, lilting tunes and fascinating performances, the occult piper can dominate an entire audience without a single word.
Lilting Tune (Su)
An occult piper uses calming music to mollify and distract his foes. An occult piper can focus a musical performance of on one creature within 30 feet as a swift action, leaving her foe distracted and docile. An occult piper can use his lilting tune with an instrument if he is mute or deafened, but the tune fails to take hold if the occult piper is deafened and attempts to use his voice to create the tune. The target must be able to hear the occult piper’s tune (for instance, this ability cannot be used if either the occult piper or his target is in an area of magical silence).
This modified, but otherwise functions as, hypnotic stare
Bardic Performance (Sp)
At 2nd level, the occult piper learns to use his piping to affect a number of creatures. He gains a limited number of bardic performances. This ability is similar in all respects to bardic performance as used by a bard of the same level (including interactions with feats, spells, and prestige classes). However, an occult piper gains only the following types of bardic performance: fascinate at 1st level; suggestion at 6th level; and mass suggestion at 18th level. He also gains the following bardic performance:
Follow the Leader (Su): An occult piper of 14th level or higher can use his performance to force his enemies to move as he wishes. To be affected, an enemy must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the occult piper’s performance. At the beginning of the affected creature’s turn, that creature must make a Will saving throw. On a failed save, the occult piper can force the creature to spend a move action to move to a square no farther away than its base speed. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, and it relies on audible components.
This replaces the mesmerist tricks gained at 1st, 6th, 14th, and 18th levels
Language of the Soul (Su)
At 5th level, the occult piper learns to convey meaning through his music. When the piper uses a language-dependent effect, he may play a tune on an instrument in place of speaking in order convey a simple message, order, or phrase. This allows the effect to target a creature regardless of whether or not they understand the message, order, or phrase. For example, the when casting command, the occult piper can play a marching song to represent the command “flee,” or when the piper casts suggestion, he can play a sweet, seductive song to lure the target following him. The piper can use this ability once per day at 5th level and an additional time per day at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
This replaces mental potency
Distracting Melody (Su)
At 10th level, the occult piper can enrapture his foes with greater skill. While using his fascinate performance, the fascinate condition he imposes is not automatically broken by an obvious threat, which instead allows for a new saving throw. If a fascinated creature is damaged, the fascinate effect ends for that creature.
This replaces the mesmerist trick gained at 10th level
An occult piper uses calming music to mollify and distract his foes. An occult piper can focus a musical performance of on one creature within 30 feet as a swift action, leaving her foe distracted and docile. An occult piper can use his lilting tune with an instrument if he is mute or deafened, but the tune fails to take hold if the occult piper is deafened and attempts to use his voice to create the tune. The target must be able to hear the occult piper’s tune (for instance, this ability cannot be used if either the occult piper or his target is in an area of magical silence).
This modified, but otherwise functions as, hypnotic stare
Bardic Performance (Sp)
At 2nd level, the occult piper learns to use his piping to affect a number of creatures. He gains a limited number of bardic performances. This ability is similar in all respects to bardic performance as used by a bard of the same level (including interactions with feats, spells, and prestige classes). However, an occult piper gains only the following types of bardic performance: fascinate at 1st level; suggestion at 6th level; and mass suggestion at 18th level. He also gains the following bardic performance:
Follow the Leader (Su): An occult piper of 14th level or higher can use his performance to force his enemies to move as he wishes. To be affected, an enemy must be within 30 feet and able to see and hear the occult piper’s performance. At the beginning of the affected creature’s turn, that creature must make a Will saving throw. On a failed save, the occult piper can force the creature to spend a move action to move to a square no farther away than its base speed. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect, and it relies on audible components.
This replaces the mesmerist tricks gained at 1st, 6th, 14th, and 18th levels
Language of the Soul (Su)
At 5th level, the occult piper learns to convey meaning through his music. When the piper uses a language-dependent effect, he may play a tune on an instrument in place of speaking in order convey a simple message, order, or phrase. This allows the effect to target a creature regardless of whether or not they understand the message, order, or phrase. For example, the when casting command, the occult piper can play a marching song to represent the command “flee,” or when the piper casts suggestion, he can play a sweet, seductive song to lure the target following him. The piper can use this ability once per day at 5th level and an additional time per day at 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter.
This replaces mental potency
Distracting Melody (Su)
At 10th level, the occult piper can enrapture his foes with greater skill. While using his fascinate performance, the fascinate condition he imposes is not automatically broken by an obvious threat, which instead allows for a new saving throw. If a fascinated creature is damaged, the fascinate effect ends for that creature.
This replaces the mesmerist trick gained at 10th level