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Since ancient times, the consumption of liquids has been a major source of power. Whether it manifests in divination by interpreting tea leaves, the ritual consumption of wine or blood, or the heating of oils to create centering fragrances, sacred liquid is a powerful tool. The spell bottle shaman uses this sacred power to capture spells, connect with the spirits, and even tell the future.
Spell Bottle
At 1st level, a spell bottle shaman gains a spell bottle as a bonded object, as the wizard’s Arcane Bond class feature. Once per day, her bonded bottle allows her to cast any one spell on the shaman spell list (unlike a wizard’s bonded item, which allows him to cast any one spell in her spellbook). This ability does not allow the spell bottle shaman to have both a familiar and a bonded item.
A spell bottle shaman’s Spell Bottle acts in all ways like a shaman’s familiar for the purpose of preparing and gaining spells. Rather than communing with a familiar to prepare spells each day, a spell bottle shaman fills her bottle with liquid and drinks from it, granting her awareness of, and access to, the spirits around her.
This replaces spirit animal
Spell Parry (Su)
Starting at first level, the spell bottle shaman learns to use her spell bottle to capture hostile magic. When an opponent attempts to target the spell bottle shaman with a spell that requires a saving throw, she can choose a prepared spell and expend an attack of opportunity to attempt to capture the spell. If the shaman successfully saves against the spell and the sacrificed spell or spell slot is of a level that is greater than or equal to the level of the parried spell, she may change the spell prepared in the sacrificed spell slot to the parried spell, even if it not on her spell list. If she fails, the chosen prepared spell is lost with no effect. The spell bottle shaman must declare the use of this ability after the creature announces begins to cast the spell, but before any saving throws are made. Orisons cannot be sacrificed this way.
This replaces spirit ability
Tasseomantic Inclination (Sp)
At 4th level, the spell bottle shaman can spend an hour conducting a tea ceremony using her Spell Bottle, and then drinking the tea and reading the tea leaves of those involved. At 4th level, doing so reveals information as augury with 95% effectiveness. At 8th level, doing so reveals information as divination with 95% effectiveness. At 10th level, doing so functions as commune. The spell bottle shaman may ask one question per ally participating in the ceremony, to a maximum number equal to her Wisdom modifier. The spell bottle shaman may use this ability no more than once every 24 hours.
This replaces the hex gained at 4th level
Versatile Bottler (Su)
Once per day, beginning at 8th level, the spell bottle shaman may make a Will saving throw in place of a Reflex of Fortitude saving throw against a spell that she tries to capture with her spell parry ability. Beginning at 16th level, she may use this ability a number of times equal to Charisma modifier.
This replaces greater spirit ability and true spirit abilities
At 1st level, a spell bottle shaman gains a spell bottle as a bonded object, as the wizard’s Arcane Bond class feature. Once per day, her bonded bottle allows her to cast any one spell on the shaman spell list (unlike a wizard’s bonded item, which allows him to cast any one spell in her spellbook). This ability does not allow the spell bottle shaman to have both a familiar and a bonded item.
A spell bottle shaman’s Spell Bottle acts in all ways like a shaman’s familiar for the purpose of preparing and gaining spells. Rather than communing with a familiar to prepare spells each day, a spell bottle shaman fills her bottle with liquid and drinks from it, granting her awareness of, and access to, the spirits around her.
This replaces spirit animal
Spell Parry (Su)
Starting at first level, the spell bottle shaman learns to use her spell bottle to capture hostile magic. When an opponent attempts to target the spell bottle shaman with a spell that requires a saving throw, she can choose a prepared spell and expend an attack of opportunity to attempt to capture the spell. If the shaman successfully saves against the spell and the sacrificed spell or spell slot is of a level that is greater than or equal to the level of the parried spell, she may change the spell prepared in the sacrificed spell slot to the parried spell, even if it not on her spell list. If she fails, the chosen prepared spell is lost with no effect. The spell bottle shaman must declare the use of this ability after the creature announces begins to cast the spell, but before any saving throws are made. Orisons cannot be sacrificed this way.
This replaces spirit ability
Tasseomantic Inclination (Sp)
At 4th level, the spell bottle shaman can spend an hour conducting a tea ceremony using her Spell Bottle, and then drinking the tea and reading the tea leaves of those involved. At 4th level, doing so reveals information as augury with 95% effectiveness. At 8th level, doing so reveals information as divination with 95% effectiveness. At 10th level, doing so functions as commune. The spell bottle shaman may ask one question per ally participating in the ceremony, to a maximum number equal to her Wisdom modifier. The spell bottle shaman may use this ability no more than once every 24 hours.
This replaces the hex gained at 4th level
Versatile Bottler (Su)
Once per day, beginning at 8th level, the spell bottle shaman may make a Will saving throw in place of a Reflex of Fortitude saving throw against a spell that she tries to capture with her spell parry ability. Beginning at 16th level, she may use this ability a number of times equal to Charisma modifier.
This replaces greater spirit ability and true spirit abilities