A painful mistake resulting in the death of a family member, a midnight tryst with a noble's wife, an innocent man, screaming from the gallows. Everyone's past is full of secrets, and even if these horrors are hidden in the deepest recesses of your psyche, the Mind Delver will find them.
Memory Probe (Sp)
Beginning at second level, the mind delver specializes his psychic abilities more than most, using his powers to learn his victims darkest, most painful secrets. By spending a swift action, the mind delver may read an enemy's thoughts, seeking out images from a painful past event. The enemy is allowed a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + Intelligence modifier + 1/2 level) to resist the probing. On a failed save, the Mind Delver learns a Dark Secret from his target. This could be a scandal perpetrated by the target, a deeply held fear, a dark upbringing, or another painful secret. The mind delver only learns enough of this secret to create a single sound or image, but does not learn the context from which the sound or image is derived. This is a divination effect.
When the mind delver casts an Illusion spell, he may spend a Dark Secret. When the mind delver casts a spell enhanced with a Dark Secret, if source of the Dark Secret can perceive the effect, they must make a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + the psychic’s Int Modifier + 1/2 her psychic level). On a failed save, the target is shaken for the duration of the illusion or until they disbelieve the illusion. At 9th level, a failed save renders the victim frightened for 1 round, then instead of shaken. At 17th level, a failed save renders the victim panicked for 1 round, then frightened for 1 round, then shaken. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect.
The nature of some spells may prevent the use of certain Dark Secrets. For example a Dark Secret which has the form of a human may not be used in conjunction with the spell hallucinatory terrain, but could be used with minor image, whereas an image of a large bloodstained basement could be used with hallucinatory terrain but not minor image.
This replaces detect thoughts
Painful Memories (Sp)
Beginning at 9th level, the mind delver can cast phantasmal killer once per day as a spell-like ability. He can also expend any unused spell slot of 4th level or higher to cast phantasmal killer. When a psychic who knows phantasmal killer gains this ability, she can learn a different 4th-level spell in place of phantasmal killer, losing the old spell in exchange for the new one.
This replaces telepathic bond
Deadly Secrets (Sp)
Beginning at 17th level, the mind delver can cast weird once per day as a spell-like ability. Beginning at 18th level, he can also expend an unused 9th level spell slot to cast weird.
This replaces telepathy
Beginning at second level, the mind delver specializes his psychic abilities more than most, using his powers to learn his victims darkest, most painful secrets. By spending a swift action, the mind delver may read an enemy's thoughts, seeking out images from a painful past event. The enemy is allowed a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + Intelligence modifier + 1/2 level) to resist the probing. On a failed save, the Mind Delver learns a Dark Secret from his target. This could be a scandal perpetrated by the target, a deeply held fear, a dark upbringing, or another painful secret. The mind delver only learns enough of this secret to create a single sound or image, but does not learn the context from which the sound or image is derived. This is a divination effect.
When the mind delver casts an Illusion spell, he may spend a Dark Secret. When the mind delver casts a spell enhanced with a Dark Secret, if source of the Dark Secret can perceive the effect, they must make a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + the psychic’s Int Modifier + 1/2 her psychic level). On a failed save, the target is shaken for the duration of the illusion or until they disbelieve the illusion. At 9th level, a failed save renders the victim frightened for 1 round, then instead of shaken. At 17th level, a failed save renders the victim panicked for 1 round, then frightened for 1 round, then shaken. This is a mind-affecting, fear effect.
The nature of some spells may prevent the use of certain Dark Secrets. For example a Dark Secret which has the form of a human may not be used in conjunction with the spell hallucinatory terrain, but could be used with minor image, whereas an image of a large bloodstained basement could be used with hallucinatory terrain but not minor image.
This replaces detect thoughts
Painful Memories (Sp)
Beginning at 9th level, the mind delver can cast phantasmal killer once per day as a spell-like ability. He can also expend any unused spell slot of 4th level or higher to cast phantasmal killer. When a psychic who knows phantasmal killer gains this ability, she can learn a different 4th-level spell in place of phantasmal killer, losing the old spell in exchange for the new one.
This replaces telepathic bond
Deadly Secrets (Sp)
Beginning at 17th level, the mind delver can cast weird once per day as a spell-like ability. Beginning at 18th level, he can also expend an unused 9th level spell slot to cast weird.
This replaces telepathy