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Almira is full of many unique and wondrous creatures. Some of these creatures can be tamed or called, becoming powerful animal companions or familiars.
The dragons of Oduma are both fierce protectors and faithful companions to those who can bond with them. These dragon callers are some of Oduma’s most respected warriors and are often called upon to become judges for the city.
Type: Animal Companion |
Graveflies a small, pitch black insects which vaguely resemble fireflies. These small creatures live within the Catacombs and harvest the soul dust of those who died so that it may coalesce and reincarnate into a new soul. Graveflies who harvest soul dust from the same soul can come together to form a gravefly swarm, gaining new abilities.
Type: Familiar or Swarm |
The Jadengarde use powerful hounds to propel their flat bottomed skiffs over the land. However, these hounds are more than just labor animals. Jadengarde handles breed and train Jadengarde hounds to sing beautiful accompaniments to their storytellers, and to maintain a fierce loyalty to their caravan. These dogs are powerfully built, with short hair, perky ears, and muscular chests.
Type: Animal Companion |
A roiling mass of decaying leaves, fungus and mud in the vague shape of a humanoid shambles forward. Assorted bones poke from the much to form a mockery of fingers, toes and teeth. These creatures are created from the dual power of positive and negative energy by the Cult of Eviria.
Type: Familiar |
Treestags are the graceful chroniclers of the jungle, learning from each creature within their home. These lithe and watchful creatures have the eyes, underbelly, legs and paws of a shorthair cat, and the body, head, and neck of a deer. A treestag’s horns are a multitude of prongs which curl around each other to form a graceful filigree. Treestags are exceptionally small, standing about 6 inches tall and weighing no more than 1/6th of a pound.
Type: Familiar |