Natives of Tai Ke both fear and revere the desert’s burning sun, emulating its ferocious heat in their combat styles. The solar child draws her ferocity from the sun’s scorching rays, letting them fuel her terrible rage.
Born of The Sun (Su)
A solar child draws her power from the burning sun, drinking in its rays to power her rage. The solar child cannot rage while unless she is in bright light. However, she can rage at-will while in bright light.
This modifies rage
Sun Stance
At 2nd level, the solar child gains the elemental stance rage power, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. She may only use this ability to deal fire damage.
This modifies the rage power gained at 2nd level
Solar Striking (Su)
At 8th level, the solar child may spend a swift action to empower fire damage she deals to penetrate fire resistance. She may ignore an enemy’s fire resistance, but not immunity, while raging.
This replaces the rage power gained at 8th level
Ray Stride (Sp)
At 14th level, when the solar child charges while raging, she transforms into a ray of pure sunlight. She ignores elevation and any barriers that can be penetrated by light, allowing her to pass through keyholes, windows, crenellations, and the like.
This replaces indomitable will
A solar child draws her power from the burning sun, drinking in its rays to power her rage. The solar child cannot rage while unless she is in bright light. However, she can rage at-will while in bright light.
This modifies rage
Sun Stance
At 2nd level, the solar child gains the elemental stance rage power, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. She may only use this ability to deal fire damage.
This modifies the rage power gained at 2nd level
Solar Striking (Su)
At 8th level, the solar child may spend a swift action to empower fire damage she deals to penetrate fire resistance. She may ignore an enemy’s fire resistance, but not immunity, while raging.
This replaces the rage power gained at 8th level
Ray Stride (Sp)
At 14th level, when the solar child charges while raging, she transforms into a ray of pure sunlight. She ignores elevation and any barriers that can be penetrated by light, allowing her to pass through keyholes, windows, crenellations, and the like.
This replaces indomitable will