Viero are tall reptilian humanoids with mottled green scales and four eyes, one on the left, right, front and back of their heads. A viero’s has two forms, one male and one female. Veiro are intelligent, inquisitive, and respectful. Their connection to duality and circles provides a nuanced understanding of subjects ranging from life and death to sex and gender to agriculture and art.
Appearance: Viero appear as tall humanoids with mottled green scales and four eyes, one on each side of their head. Viero dress themselves in loose, flowing robes with circular patterns. Viero have two visually dissimilar forms, one male and one female. Some viero are known as “twin souled” and have two forms of the same sex or gender.
Location: Viero make up the majority of the population of the city of Engazi, a city state in Persistance.
Names: Chahiri, Caranko, Chegaza, Fatadra, Dorgazi, Umbaza, Katerasi, Enjima, Caracora, Meroju, Nambany
Alignment and Religion: Viero often venerate Jhana, the deity of spectrums and non-binary genders, or Chriuk, deity of the cycle of death and rebirth. Some twin souled female viero venerate Azar in her aspect of the Mother, while many twin souled male viero venerate Delnach and Arneas as totems of masculinity. Viero tend to be lawful, as their understanding of the world comes from an intelligent understanding of the rules of spectrums and cycles.
Relations: Viero get along well with the shifuni and paeori of Persistence. Viero also have good relationships with nagaji and vishkanya, two other serpentine races. Viero connect on a deep level with the rukelle, who chronicle nature with logic and intelligence, but are often frustrated by the more esoteric understanding of nature possessed by nattinuq and ganej.
Adventurers: Viero see the world in circles and cycles, and have an uncanny knack for finding new leads and sources of information. Those who study martial combat often learn evasive styles based on circular movement. Many viero who pursue careers as spellcasters choose to become Wizards, Investigators, Ritualists, or other classes which require intelligence and cleverness.
Lifespan: Adulthood 16 years | Intuitive +1d6 years (17 – 22) | Self-Taught +2d6 years (18 – 28years) | Trained +2d8 years (18 – 32 years)
Height: 5 ft. 4 in. +2d6 in. (5 ft. 6 in. – 6 ft. 2 in.)
Weight: 120 lbs. +(2d4×5 lbs.) (130 – 140 lbs.)
Standard Racial Traits
Ability Scores: Viero are investigative and agile, but their appearance can be disconcerting. Viero gain a +2 racial bonus to their Dexterity and Intelligence scores, but take a –2 penalty to their Charisma score.
Size: Viero are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Viero are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.
Base Speed: Viero have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Viero begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Viero with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Undercommon, Sylvan, Aklo, and Grippli.
Other Racial Traits
Darkvision: Viero have Darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Change Shape (Su): A viero has two visually distinct appearances, one male and one female, and can assume either appearance. These forms are static and cannot be changed each time it takes this form. Changing shape is a standard action. A Viero’s two forms are not visually similar; the viero gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear as their current form and not as their other gender. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except the viero does not adjust its ability scores and this ability lasts indefinitely.
All Around Vision: A Viero’s eye placement grants it a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks and makes them immune to flanking.
Circle to the Answer (Ex): A viero can circle back to a question that they had failed to answer previously. Once per day, a viero can retry a Knowledge check they just previously failed. This check is made at a -5 penalty.
Form Specialty: A viero gains a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws while in one form and a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws while in the other. Each of these bonuses are associated with a single form, these forms are chosen at first level and cannot be changed.
Appearance: Viero appear as tall humanoids with mottled green scales and four eyes, one on each side of their head. Viero dress themselves in loose, flowing robes with circular patterns. Viero have two visually dissimilar forms, one male and one female. Some viero are known as “twin souled” and have two forms of the same sex or gender.
Location: Viero make up the majority of the population of the city of Engazi, a city state in Persistance.
Names: Chahiri, Caranko, Chegaza, Fatadra, Dorgazi, Umbaza, Katerasi, Enjima, Caracora, Meroju, Nambany
Alignment and Religion: Viero often venerate Jhana, the deity of spectrums and non-binary genders, or Chriuk, deity of the cycle of death and rebirth. Some twin souled female viero venerate Azar in her aspect of the Mother, while many twin souled male viero venerate Delnach and Arneas as totems of masculinity. Viero tend to be lawful, as their understanding of the world comes from an intelligent understanding of the rules of spectrums and cycles.
Relations: Viero get along well with the shifuni and paeori of Persistence. Viero also have good relationships with nagaji and vishkanya, two other serpentine races. Viero connect on a deep level with the rukelle, who chronicle nature with logic and intelligence, but are often frustrated by the more esoteric understanding of nature possessed by nattinuq and ganej.
Adventurers: Viero see the world in circles and cycles, and have an uncanny knack for finding new leads and sources of information. Those who study martial combat often learn evasive styles based on circular movement. Many viero who pursue careers as spellcasters choose to become Wizards, Investigators, Ritualists, or other classes which require intelligence and cleverness.
Lifespan: Adulthood 16 years | Intuitive +1d6 years (17 – 22) | Self-Taught +2d6 years (18 – 28years) | Trained +2d8 years (18 – 32 years)
Height: 5 ft. 4 in. +2d6 in. (5 ft. 6 in. – 6 ft. 2 in.)
Weight: 120 lbs. +(2d4×5 lbs.) (130 – 140 lbs.)
Standard Racial Traits
Ability Scores: Viero are investigative and agile, but their appearance can be disconcerting. Viero gain a +2 racial bonus to their Dexterity and Intelligence scores, but take a –2 penalty to their Charisma score.
Size: Viero are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Type: Viero are humanoids with the reptilian subtype.
Base Speed: Viero have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Viero begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Viero with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Undercommon, Sylvan, Aklo, and Grippli.
Other Racial Traits
Darkvision: Viero have Darkvision to a range of 60 feet.
Change Shape (Su): A viero has two visually distinct appearances, one male and one female, and can assume either appearance. These forms are static and cannot be changed each time it takes this form. Changing shape is a standard action. A Viero’s two forms are not visually similar; the viero gains a +10 racial bonus on Disguise checks to appear as their current form and not as their other gender. This ability otherwise functions as alter self, except the viero does not adjust its ability scores and this ability lasts indefinitely.
All Around Vision: A Viero’s eye placement grants it a +4 racial bonus on Perception checks and makes them immune to flanking.
Circle to the Answer (Ex): A viero can circle back to a question that they had failed to answer previously. Once per day, a viero can retry a Knowledge check they just previously failed. This check is made at a -5 penalty.
Form Specialty: A viero gains a +2 racial bonus on Will saving throws while in one form and a +2 racial bonus on Fortitude saving throws while in the other. Each of these bonuses are associated with a single form, these forms are chosen at first level and cannot be changed.
Alternate Racial Traits
Twin Soul: Some viero have two forms of the same sex, instead of one female and one male. This duality strengthens the viero’s soul and sense of self. They gain a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance while in one form and a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast spells defensively while in the other. Each of these bonuses are associated with a single form, these forms are chosen at first level and cannot be changed. This replaces Form Specialty.
Twin Soul: Some viero have two forms of the same sex, instead of one female and one male. This duality strengthens the viero’s soul and sense of self. They gain a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance while in one form and a +2 racial bonus on concentration checks made to cast spells defensively while in the other. Each of these bonuses are associated with a single form, these forms are chosen at first level and cannot be changed. This replaces Form Specialty.