Devorim (singular Devor) are an all female race created by the planar energy of the Weave of Fate, whose bodies reside simultaneously in the past, present, and future. Devorim are born into the world of the living by strong magics which threaten the paths of fate. Their unique placement in the weave of time and fate gives them subconscious insight into past and future events, often coming in bursts of deja vu like recollection.
Physical Description: A devor does not have a singular appearance, but three individual aspects (see below). These aspects appear as young, middle aged, or elder versions of a humanoid woman with skin ranging from light yellow to deep ochre. All devorim possess a third eye which run vertically from between their eyes up through the center of their forehead. Tattoos, scars, and other markings persist through these forms, as each form is a representation of the devor from a different time.
Culture and Location: Devorim do not have a uniform culture or city which they call home. In fact, there are quite often no more than two or three devorim in existence at once. Devorim usually devote themselves to an aspect of the Triplicatum: Birala as the Maiden, Azar as the Mother and Mama Iji as the Crone.
Names: Sarah, Deborah, Rachel, Hagar, Dinah, Delilah, Hephzipah, Jezebel, Leah, Naomi, Ruth, Rachel, Tirzah, Zipporah.
Standard Racial Traits
Ability Scores: Devorim gain ability score bonuses and penalties based on their current aspect (see Daughter of the Triplicatum below).
Type: Devorim are outsiders with the native and shapechanger subtypes.
Size: Devorim are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Devorim have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Devorim begin play speaking Common and one language of their choice (except Druidic or other secret languages). Devorim with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Other Racial Traits
Darkvision: Devorim can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Daughter of the Triplicatum: Because of their unique placement in time, devorim have no true form. Instead, they have three separate forms which represent the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. A devor can shift between these forms as a full-round action, and gains ability score bonuses while in each. These bonuses are temporary bonuses until the devor has maintained a single form for at least 24 hours.
Woven Insight: A devor can use burst of insight once per day as a spell-like ability.
Woven Mind: A devor chooses 3 Knowledge skills of her choice and gains a +2 racial bonus to each of those skills.
Physical Description: A devor does not have a singular appearance, but three individual aspects (see below). These aspects appear as young, middle aged, or elder versions of a humanoid woman with skin ranging from light yellow to deep ochre. All devorim possess a third eye which run vertically from between their eyes up through the center of their forehead. Tattoos, scars, and other markings persist through these forms, as each form is a representation of the devor from a different time.
Culture and Location: Devorim do not have a uniform culture or city which they call home. In fact, there are quite often no more than two or three devorim in existence at once. Devorim usually devote themselves to an aspect of the Triplicatum: Birala as the Maiden, Azar as the Mother and Mama Iji as the Crone.
Names: Sarah, Deborah, Rachel, Hagar, Dinah, Delilah, Hephzipah, Jezebel, Leah, Naomi, Ruth, Rachel, Tirzah, Zipporah.
Standard Racial Traits
Ability Scores: Devorim gain ability score bonuses and penalties based on their current aspect (see Daughter of the Triplicatum below).
Type: Devorim are outsiders with the native and shapechanger subtypes.
Size: Devorim are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Devorim have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Devorim begin play speaking Common and one language of their choice (except Druidic or other secret languages). Devorim with high Intelligence scores can learn any languages they want (except Druidic and other secret languages). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Other Racial Traits
Darkvision: Devorim can see perfectly in the dark for up to 60 feet.
Daughter of the Triplicatum: Because of their unique placement in time, devorim have no true form. Instead, they have three separate forms which represent the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. A devor can shift between these forms as a full-round action, and gains ability score bonuses while in each. These bonuses are temporary bonuses until the devor has maintained a single form for at least 24 hours.
- Maiden: The aspect of the maiden grants the devor a +2 racial bonus to Charisma and Wisdom.
- Mother: The aspect of the mother grants the devor a +2 racial bonus to Intelligence and Charisma.
- Crone: The aspect of the crone grants the devor a +2 racial bonus to Wisdom and Intelligence.
Woven Insight: A devor can use burst of insight once per day as a spell-like ability.
Woven Mind: A devor chooses 3 Knowledge skills of her choice and gains a +2 racial bonus to each of those skills.
Alternate Racial Traits
Occult Eye: A devor with this alternate racial trait gains the Third Eye feat as a bonus feat and may use this feat in 1 minute increments. This replaces woven mind.
Woven Prowess: A devor with this alternate racial trait can cast burst of adrenaline once per day as a spell-like ability. This replaces woven insight.
Aspect Drawn: Some devor are drawn to a specific form, either the maiden, mother or crone. The devor may only take her chosen form. As a move action once per day, the devor may add a +2 racial bonus on a skill check modified by one of the ability scores granted by her chosen form. This modifies daughter of the triplicatum.
Occult Eye: A devor with this alternate racial trait gains the Third Eye feat as a bonus feat and may use this feat in 1 minute increments. This replaces woven mind.
Woven Prowess: A devor with this alternate racial trait can cast burst of adrenaline once per day as a spell-like ability. This replaces woven insight.
Aspect Drawn: Some devor are drawn to a specific form, either the maiden, mother or crone. The devor may only take her chosen form. As a move action once per day, the devor may add a +2 racial bonus on a skill check modified by one of the ability scores granted by her chosen form. This modifies daughter of the triplicatum.
Devor Racial Options
Ample Insight - Feat (Racial)
Prerequisites: Devor, Akashic Insight racial trait, Ability to cast 2nd level psychic spells
You are not dazed after using your Akashic Insight racial trait and gain an additional number of uses per day of this ability equal to your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher).
Ample Insight - Feat (Racial)
Prerequisites: Devor, Akashic Insight racial trait, Ability to cast 2nd level psychic spells
You are not dazed after using your Akashic Insight racial trait and gain an additional number of uses per day of this ability equal to your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom modifier (whichever is higher).